a quick lesson in the new firarms

Who : Phil and Zodar
When : Just after the staff meeting
Where : Just outside the bridge/breifing room
As everyone else went off to take care of the Enarim's on the ship, Phil took Zodar to one side.
"Right you use the pistols like this:
1 - Point it a something
2 - Press the "LOCK" button.
3 - Press fire.
If the target has moved, the the projectile will foloow it. Even, I've been told, underwater."
"Just one question Phil," Asked Zodar as he handeled the weapon.
"What's this button do?"
"What button?" asked Phil, a bit perplexed?
"This one, " he said pointing to one marked "ZOING"
"I have no idea. Just remember that my mad PC desinged it so it could be anything from turning the target blue, to causing the gun to overload and vapoirse you."
<<So Zaodar, what does the "Zoing" button do?>>

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