Enriams in hot pursuit

Who: Too many people to name, just read and find out.
When: After that thing, but before the other thing.
Where: Listen, if you REALLY want to know, just read the post, okay?
"Can we stop talking AND GET OUT OF HERE?!" Shouted Kayn.
The group simultaneously held their breath and picked up the pace.
---End Snip-------------------------------------------------------------
Dirk, being the one directly behind the flatulant Jay, at his first
chance ducked into another duct and let the rest of the group pass.
Tara stopped and looked at him, "Aren't you coming?"
"I'll be along shortly. I'm just going to teach these fish-boys a
lesson. Keep going," he replied.
She continued her climb up the ladder. Vanessa stopped and asked the
same thing; and Dirk gave the same reply. Dren was directly behind
her. He stopped, looked at Dirk, pointed to Vanessa's rear, and gave
the "OK" signal before continueing up the ladder.
As soon as the last Dwarfer past, Dirk stepped back onto the ladder,
yelled an explicative down to the pursueing Enriam, and slid down the
ladder like a fireman down a pole. The first Enriam was very
surprised indeed when he received the scientist's boot directly in his
face. The hit made the fishman lose his grip and fall back onto the
Enriam under him, and so on, and so on.
Seeing armed reinforcements, Dirk quickly darted into yet another duct
and began to crawl. He came out in the gym. There was only one
Enriam there since it was apparent that no one(besides Dirk, that is)
ever used this part of the ship. The Enriam noticed Dirk and ran for
him. "Oh, yeah. This is what I've been looking for," Dirk said while
preparing for an attack.
Just as the fishman came close to him, Dirk jumped to one side,
leaving his leg out to trip the soldier. The Enriam landed face first
on the floor. As it got up, it looked at it's hand,which now held one
of his teeth. "You broke my tooth! You actually broke my tooth!"
Dirk had no simpathy. All he had for the Enriam was, "Save the drama
for your mama." With that, he lunged towards the Enriam. In mid-air,
he wrapped his arm around the back of the fish's neck. Using his
forward momentum, Dirk twisted his body slightly to cause the Enriam
to loose balance and fall forward. The fish head hit the hard floor
on the gym with a tremendous impact, knock the Enriam out cold. As
Dirk picked himself off the floor, he said, "That, my friend, was a
Tornado DDT. Now, back to find the rest of the crew."

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