What's a theif to do in times like this?

"Commander, the Aeron woman has disappeared!"
"Find her! She must pay for the death she has wrought!"
Zack dropped to his knees, amazingly free of pain. "Cubie!"
Then he fell backwards into the water with a splash, the spear sticking up like
a flagpole. He closed his eyes and waited for the end.
All of sudden several hatches of the vents running over Parrots dropped open and
shapes dropped into the water.
The fishmen were pulled under the water and resurfaced belly or back up with
their necks broken.
Then several shapes arose out of the water, they were a bunch of nasty looking
thugs and leading them was a very wet, but still looking sneaky.
Two of the thugs lifted up Zack and then a third grabbed hold of the spear and
then pulled it free.
"Anyone else around here needs rescuing?" Fingers commented.

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