Back posting once again

Who: Niples, Jay, Jo, Zodar, Dirk, Phil, Tara
When: The Battle
Where: The fishtank
With a barbaric roar, the rescuers charged off the Pheonix and began firing into the crowd of Eniram.
"How the hell are we gonna find 'em!" Jo yelled over the gunfire, as she sprayed bullets into the oncoming suicidal fishmen.
“I already did!" Phil shouted and pointed into a corridor. Jo glanced in the direction he was waving. Through a glass doorway they could just make out human forms. The momentary distraction allowed an over enthusiastic Eniram to get close enough to nearly take her head off with a razor-edged harpoon. Ducking at the last second, she felt the breeze as the blade whistled through the air where her head had just been. Ramming another magazine of bullets into the rifle, she jammed the barrel into his chest and squeezed the trigger. The force of the discharge hurled the dead man backwards, crashing to the ground with a few of his friends, leaving Jo covered in gooey green ichor.
"MOVE!" Niples yelled taking the lead down the corridor, followed by the boys, leaving Jo and Tara, who was still screaming curses like a mad woman and firing into the growing pile of Eniram dead, to bring up the rear. The group burst through the glass doors and quickly dispatched the Eniram guarding their crewmates. Jo stood her rifle on its butt, leant it against her leg, and began trying to clean some of the goo off her face and hands. He head was pounding from the blow she had received before being shoved in the overhead locker of the Pheonix.
“Damn, and I just got this cleaned,” she muttered as she wiped her jacket down with a piece of cloth torn from an Eniram uniform. With a noise of disgust she threw it to one side and swung her rifle up over her shoulder. She walked over to the group, where angry raised voices could now be heard, and surveyed those they had come to rescue. One young woman, who was holding onto Jay very tightly; two men, one violently gesticulating with a harpoon gun was the source of the aggravated voice, the other dressed in black, slouched in the background trying to light a soggy cigarette; and...a giant hamster.
Jo blinked, but her tired brain, upon considering the other increasingly strange events that had led to this moment, admitted that the 6ft towering rodent in front of her probably was real and that she should just accept it.
Suddenly there was a loud THWAK. Jo looked over to see the harpoon from Keto’s gun quivering in the wall millimetres above Jay’s head.
"This is becoming repetitive," growled Jay, removing the harpoon from above his head and feeling a few more strands of hair removed, "Don't do it again!"
"If it's any consolation," replied Keto, "I promise to aim lower next time. Come on, let's go!"
Moments later they were trudging down the hallways in search of the missile leaving very many dead Eniram in their wake. When they reached the silo, they stared, momentarily stunned, at the sight of the colossal rocket.
“Good God. There could be enough firepower in that thing to obliterate half the planet! What are they thinking!” Jo shook her head in disbelief. She quickly set off make a check of the room heading towards the opposite door, while the two scientists set about disarming the equivalent of the entire arsenal of Russia.
Jo had nudged the barrel of her rifle around the edge of the doorway when she felt something grab hold of the end. Swinging around, she found her self face to face with an Eniram trying to pull the firearm off her.
“Surrender! Or Dnnyyurrrrrkgggggle” he yelled as she shot him neatly through the heart. He slumped against the doorframe and slid to the ground, revealing many of his compatriots angrily waving their harpoons at her. Jo swiftly sidestepped out of the doorway as a few harpoons soared past, embedding themselves in some important looking control panels in front of the missile.
“Full marks for tenacity, but they fail abysmally in the brains department,” Jo stepped out and back from the entrance and sprayed the area with fire as one after the other they poured through the narrow opening and collapsed bleeding on top of each other.
A yell alerted her to retreat and regroup so they could head back to the Pheonix. Keeping up a steady stream of fire she edged backwards to where the others were fighting. Abruptly, her magazine clicked empty. It had been her last one. “Smeg!” She dove behind a nearby pylon and crouched down, ejecting the useless cartridge and kicking it across the floor. The pole shuddered with the impacts of bullets and harpoons. A fine concrete dust drifted down and settled about her shoulders. She gripped the rifle with both hands, preparing to use it as a club.
“Jo!” Zodar gestured to her from his firing position crouched behind a console. The others were about to leave. He slid a cartridge across the floor to her as he fired a few shots over the top of the counter, then took off in a sprint towards the group. Jo pushed off from the pylon in a low run, scooping up the rifle unit as she went.
The others were already halfway down the corridor, when she caught up.
“Thanks,” she nodded to Zodar who was inspecting a weeping graze to his arm.
“No problem,” he smiled grimly.
He stopped so suddenly she almost collided with him. An Eniram had jumped out of a concealed passage and tripped up White Wolf. He hiccupped as he collided with the ground and something shot out of his mouth.
“Quick, the Keys!” Jo yelled, dropping her gun and making a dive for them. She ended up on her stomach staring at a giant boot that slowly crushed the crispy clams beneath it. Looking up at the owner of the boot, she saw an Eniram wearing a gloating smile. Slowly climbing to her feet she watched him warily, feeling a little exposed now she was unarmed. Niples approached and puffed out his chest. Jo almost rolled her eyes, but held her tongue.
"Get back to the Pheonix, all of you. If I don't come back then you must go without me and warn the Aerons about the missile."
“You’re not seriously going to try and reason with them?” said Phil incredulously. Jo watched the Captain with a slight frown. She felt the same way. The team tensed, ready to fight.
"Go!" demanded Niples. Whitewolf led them all grumbling past the Eniram soldier and back to the shuttlebay. Once on board, Jay immediately began the start up sequence. Jo sat down at the radar station, and looked around at the glum faces.
“What does he think he’s doing?” said…………
OOC:- Ok I’m tired. It’s 2am here. I know it’s an odd place to finish but my brain has just stopped functioning. Someone else can continue. =)
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