A psych-office, a psych-office, my kingdom for a psych-office

Who: Cerebrum and his men
Where: A hallway in Blue Dwarf
"It's impossible!" Cerebrum shouted, "How am I supposed to be a
psychiatrist without an office to work in."
"Don't know sir," said Smith-2.
"That was a rhetorical question Smith," Cerebrum said patiently, "You
aren't supposed to answer it."
"Right sir,"
"Just shut up, will you?"
"Shutting up immediately sir."
Cerebrum paced back and forth, thinking about how to acquire an
office. Then he had it. There was one room that was currently in use
(currently in use being defined as at this exact instant in time, not
as over a period of time) and was large enough.
Ten minutes later, the meeting room.
The meeting room was looking much better now, now that Cerebrum had
gotten rid of the table and chairs, and replaced them with a desk and
couch. He had also torn off the sign outside that said, 'Meeting
room,' and replaced it with the one from his office that
said, 'Psychiatric Division; Advice, therapy, counselling (all sorts)
and psychological assistance.'

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