Correction to 'There and Back Again'

Who: Zack, Fingers, several unnamed thugs
Where: The Promenade
When: Shortly after Zack and Cubie were killed
All of sudden several hatches of the vents running over Parrots
dropped open and shapes dropped into the water.
The fishmen were pulled under the water and resurfaced belly or back
up with their necks broken.
Then several shapes arose out of the water, they were a bunch of
nasty looking thugs and leading them was a very wet, but still
looking sneaky.
Two of the thugs lifted up Zack and then a third grabbed hold of the
spear and then pulled it free.
"Anyone else around here needs rescuing?" Fingers commented.
-----End Snip-----
<Insert the 'Heaven' scene here>
Zack sat up, sputtering. Looking around wildly, he was relieved
to see that the Eniram had either departed or been killed. He shook
himself loose from the two thugs and spotted the spear sticking up
out of the water. Clutching his chest, he was relieved to find that
there was no gaping wound. He sighed. Then he pulled Cubie's
controller out of his pocket. It was still crushed and perforated.
Zack went white. "Oh, Cubie. What have I done to you?"
Zack staggered to his feet and sloshed toward the lift, hoping
the engineers would be able to get her back on-line.
Fingers and his thugs looked at each other. "Now there's
gratitude for you."
OOC: My apologies to Andy for missing his post. This correction
hopefully brings things back into balance.

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