
Who: Tara, Keto, Jay
When: then
where: supply decks
Tara sighed."And then," continued Keto, "I want you to go and fetch me this list from the Supply Deck A..."He handed Tara a list four feet long."...and THIS list from Supply Deck Z..." He handed Tara a list six feet long."...and THIS list from Supply Deck B."He handed Tara a thick roll of paper.  She didn't dare unroll it to see how long it was."And be sure to do them in that order," said Keto, smirking, "We wouldn't want you to make a mistake and accidentally get the two lists closest together first now, would we?"Tara glowered at him."Run along now, Nurse." -------------------------------------------------
Tara had moved the things from the decks above and moved on to the store rooms. Four hours later she had the last load from supply deck B, as she was carring a pile of stuff so high she could not see over it, she bumped into Jay and dropped all the stuff she was carriying, she started to cry
"Whats the matter Tara?"
"It's nothing... I.. I can't say..." she said pulling herself together
"No.. theres something wrong.. you look different, youv'e put on weight.. and you look i'll" said Jay concerned
"I've told you, its nothing.." Tara bent over and picked up the stuff she dropped. As she did, the test results fell out of her top pocket. Jay picked them up without Tara realizing she had dropped them and read them.
"Tara!!! you're!!" Jay exclaimed. Tara again dropped the medical supplies
"SHHH!" she said "How dare you read them!" she said in a shouty whisper "But.. your... who knows?" he asked in shock
"Keto.." she said dejectidly "He found out, I asked him to take some tests, and ... well... he found out and he has me doing all this horribal stuff and working double shifts...and.. and..." she started to cry towards the end of the sentance
"Don't worry.... Why is he doing it?" Jay asked
"Coz he's a total bastard" Tara said "I shouldn't be doing this I should be getting rest..."
"Yea... you should... i'll help you with that stuff"
"No! If he sees you helping me he'll send out a memo to the whole ship and i don't want any one to know... I don't even know how it happened" "Ok well if you're sure... I've got to go see Alota any way, she fainted" Tara nodded. Jay helped her pick the stuff up and they walked to the medi-bay. Jay shook his head
"But pregnant..." Tara shot him a cold glare for saying it, and they continued in silence...
OOC- remember no one but Jay and Keto know..

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