thud thud thud thuuuuuuuuuuud <-Bethovens unknown sympony

Where: Urm.........uh........k.......not sure
When: When stars appear in someones eyes
Who: Duh Alota's fainted yhow would she know?
Why? <- Good question
Alota finally started coming too, the walls and ceiling where different from the cargo bay,
"What, where am I?" she mumbled as she sat up, in the corner the Pink tree was busy shedding, what exactly Alota didn't want to know, as Alota continued to look around she saw Jay eagerly sitting next to her,
"Ohhhh poo" she remembered everything now, it had all become so clear she could remember it like an ape can remember to share its shit with you. She looked down at the floor then back up to Jay,
"Well" he said his voice cracking under what seemed like pressure,
"Well erm I er yes"!
<Heh heh heh bye>

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