
Who: Alota, Jay, screw it I don't care I'm ill
When: }: (
Where: <_>
Jay hit the security call button, to summon any remaining security offocers to dispose of the alien.Alota who was still standing behind him saw the mess.she whistled in astonishment.."you always tidy up before i come round?"
"dam..." he said.."now where am i gonna sleep?"
<End Snipet>
"Well you could always come to my quarters you know" Alota smiled,
"Really?" Jay asked
"Well duh you only have to ask, we're kinda like engaged you know someone's gotta move"
"Do you need anything?" Jay took one look inside, picked up the tooth brush that was by the door,
"I'm packed" he said smiling
<<I'm so sorry this is short I am feeling rather lousey and I just can't be asked to do anything so I'm just going to sit back and twiddle my thumbs without the twiddling the thumbs part>>

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