Niples "Matter of pride"

 >   How? Where you left off is where Niples reaction should be and I not know how Niples will react.>    Andy/Frank Harris/Jack the Black/Uther Grimbeard
(OOC- Oh yeah, I forgot that- hey! it was late, I was tired, and I didn't even know who I was, let alone who I was playing!)
Blue Dwarf
In Space
"CAPTAINS LOG Ship's Date 18/09/2101
We are now out of the dangerous region of space labelled "sector 27 gamma", none of the Aeron ships seemed to have survived as they were attacked by those huge fearsome spider ships which we have encountered before. If General Anders orders this ship anywhere near that area of space ever again to cut military risk I will personally arrange to shove his collection of 12th century military models where the glow of Jupiter doesn't shine.
Meanwhile on ship, everything seems to be calming down quite a bit. Moral is a bit low, I think this may be because everyone is working double shifts to repair the damage and there is no alcohol on board. My cheif of Security, Major Harris has asked for a transfer, I have no idea what for yet.
Repairs are going as well as expected. My special Captain's quarters are being repaired and I am having to make do with a small cupboard with nothing more than a tap on the celing for a shower and a fouton matress for a bed. The Captain should never have to live like this, a captain should never show weakness in front of his men. There should always be a line of respect to distance the captain from the rest of the crew.... "
"Are you finished yet?" asked Harris. "We were right in the middle of a conversation and you just started doing a log."
"Oh yes. I do apologise Mr. Harris. Please continue."
"I had asked you a question, about me leaving the ship?"
"Oh yes. Well as the ship is under a lot of repair at the moment, and I do not think we will be going on any exciting missions for a while, I think your auzxillary security staff can manage for a time without you. How long did you say you'd be gone again?""I didn't."
"I see. And what did you say you would be doing in your absence?"
"I didn't."
"I see." Said Niples, trying to read Harris' face. But it was about as unreadable as the tattoo Harris' grandfather had done when he was twelve.
"Well... you have two weks. Come back then or...or..." The Captain's voice trailed off as Harris' wild eyes stared into his soul.
"Or what?" Harris almost snarled.
He would never admit it, but Niples was slightly scared of Harris. Although the Captain could beat Harris at almost anything, poker, cricket, golf, croquet, Harris always looked like the type that would bite your nose off and let you bleed until you died.
"We'll work something out." The captain said diplomatically.
"Former" Psychiatric office
Seymour watched in agonising pain as the Space Eagle was cut out of the wreckage in the room.
"Careful please!" Niples cautioned Chief Engineer Roskev as she yanked the formidable fighter free. The sleek shiny green "Captain's yaght" toppled from its nose-dived position and crashed onto it's buckled wheels.
"I said be careful please. That ship isn't widely available, getting the replacement parts will be awkward. I know there's a nice little classic vehicle shop in Chelsea, but we're a long way away..."
The Engineering crew wheeled the hulk of twisted metal to the flight deck. It was a tight squeeze through the corridors, and a new piece of Space Eagle had to be sawn off at every doorway to fit it through. Efof was walking down the corridor at one point, but thought better of it when he turned a corner and saw what looked like a door-shaped space ship coming towards him.
Captain's new quarters
To drown out the annoying noice of a leaking water pipe dripping into a bucket, the Captain put on a scratched Trikovsky record. He thumbed through a catalogue of replacement ship parts, humming the music to himself.
(OOC- Okay, this is really really boring! Which is why we need to start a brand spanking new action plot, I have one in the pipeworks ready and will send it as soon as its written. Although it will most likely be controlled by someone else over the next week or so as I'm starting university next saturday and ill need time to adjust, I might also not be able to get access to a computer for a short time. But a storyline will start soon, I promise!)

55% of Americans don't know that the sun is a star
A monkey was once tried and convicted of smoking a cigar in Indiana
*****************************************************Captain Seymour Niples, JMC Blue Dwarf cmdr David "Onion" Ball, USS Endeavour*****************************************************Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989 --------------------------------------------------------------"Global warming could make England as hotas ibiza.... lets make it happen!"       (Ali G)---------------------

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