Where'd they go?

"Don't even think about giving me Chromium Tridroniate, you are an untrustworthy quack!" Jasmine spat her words at poor Cerebrum."Temper, Temper! Ms Starbolt, Mr Thomas is still in the young ladies body, you wouldn't wanna upset me." Cerebrum said calmly as he was the one with the upper hand."You wouldn't wanna upset me either" Tara stood beside Jasmine, Dean/Amber and Eve with her hands on her hips.*gulp* was all he could manage."Hell yeah!" said Dean. "A man protected by two women, it just shows how far anti-sexism has come in the last few centuries eh?"
"Well, given I'm protecting the body only..." said Tara
"Gee, thanks mum." said Dean, in a highly accurate portrayal of Amber.
"Alright, I say we go." said Jay, and they headed off.
"Guys." said Dean
"What?" asked Jasmine.
"You have horses and we don't."
"Hm.. thats a point, team up guys! We're sharing horses all round!" yelled Jay
"I can't believe I'm doing this." said Amber's voice. She was sitting behind Jay, (and she was sidesaddle of course) and was holding onto Jay to stop herself from falling off.
"Hey, you can't believe it? How about me? If you do one thing wrong, I get beaten up by Jasmine and Tara."
"Heh. Thanks for the idea Jay."
"Anytime." murmered Jay, looking into the forest.
"Hey! Where'd the earth-type people go?" he yelled.
Dean "I'm Back!" Thomas
<OOC: Sorry about not posting and all, Blueyonder had lost their IP server, which gave out addresses on a 24hour basis. Silly, silly people. Anyway, as Kryten put it:
"I'm back, and I'm bad! Obviously within certain, sensible, preset parameters."

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