BOOM - shake the room

Who : Jay and Phil
Where : the room with the thingey
When : After Jay unplugged it

"Has it worked?" Phil said
"Lets find out" Jay said, pulling out his mobile...
** Jay had his converstion with Allota **
"Yes Phil?"
"My gun's working again now isn't it?"
"Yep..and your holowhip..."
"Cool...You might want to start back to the site.."
"Well lets just say, I'm going to stick around here and make sure no-one plugs this bugger back in.."
"Simple, by forceing the genertaor to interact with with's own field thereby causing a fatal cascade failure?"
"I'm goin to blow it up...with a twist..."
"What like a lemon?"
"Jay...Stick to the flying, leave the thinking to me okay?"
"Sure...You know what your doing?"
"Yeah, I'm going to overload the generator...It'l blow itself up, but not before sending out a nice big finale magnetic long as nothing metal is within 100 meters of the castle.."
"Why what will happen?"
"Trust me, you don't wont ANY metal to be within the radias...Imagine a thousands peices of razor sharp death all flying towards a centralised point at speeds that's make you wet your pants.."
"Ohh nasty...Oaky..I'll lave you to it...See you in a few mins.."
** 10 mins later back at where WW, etc are**
Phil tapped WW on the shoulder, almost causing the captain to shed all his fur at once
"Bloody hell Phil, you gotta stop doing that..."
"Sorry sir, just practing my stealth moves...BTW we might want to move away from the castle sir.."
"You bomb thing yes? When's it due to start?"
"Well now my watch is working about 30 secs..."
< tag>
=================================Chris Kentlea Click here for your free Ebiz-rotatorWhich could make you cash

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