Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] TAXI!

Gross green goo dribbling from its massive mandibles. It opened it's mouth and moved towards the dwarf.
The intercom sputtered into life again:
"okay" it said, "PANIC!"<tag>
Where: Aboard Blue Dwarf
When: Shortly before Jay, etc. are leaving the planets surface
Who: Holly, the ships computer
The drive room was buzzing with activity as people paniced, skutters skuttered and mechanoids stood about aimlessly.
Blue Dwarf was about to be eaten by a giant space spider, Holly believed it was only natural that the crew would be more than a little anxious. It was, infact, panic stricken beyond the point that normal humans could survive, but unlucky for the Holly and the dwarf, these people wern't normal.
Had they have been normal, thought Holly, they would have quickly figured out a plan to stop this tradgedy happening. Unfortunatly it was up to Holly to think. He hadn't really thought for nearly 3 years. Not one of the crew was interested in playing any chess, not even poker, so thinking was out of the question. He'd grown to loathe the stupidity of the crew, even though he was about as dumb.
Something strange happened to Holly, just as the rear of the ship entered the beasts mouth, it was something that Holly never had in 3 years, a thought of his own, a thought that didn't involve looking at databases, or taking input and giving it to someone else, this was a totally independant thought.
His thought, which was somewhat dangerous and it would leave Blue dwarf defenceless, his thought was to leak fuel into the beast and do a maximum burn of the rockets, in other words, he was going to light a fart.
The rear jets warmed up, Holly would have to use their Hydrogen fuel reserves up, however, the ship was pretty much screwed anyway and it wouldn't really matter if he didn't. Hydrogen began leaking from the rear of the ship into the beasts mouth and down into it's insides. 10 minutes went by, and when the fuel was almost gone, Blue Dwarf was half way inside the beast's mouth. Holly ignited the rockets.
A massive fireball ripped the beast apart and sent blue dwarf flying in the opposite direction. Holly quickly used the manouvering thrusters to slow Blue Dwarf to a halt, still in orbit of the planet below.

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