a cunning plan...

Hmm.. That'd do it." said Kara, "All that extra weight. I'll stick here and thumb through this one."
"If you want, feel free to join us though."
And so saying, Dean and Jay set off fir the shuttlebay...
<end snip>
Walking toward the hangar bay, Jay stopped walking "Dean.." he said "Carry on to the shuttlebay, I'll meet you down there."
"where are you going?"
"I'll explain later...."  Dean just shrugged his shoulders and watched as the lift doors hissed shut behind Jay.
*Captains Office*
"So...." Jay said, pacing across White Wolfs carpet, "We have no option, but to pay either $£2000 for the appeal, which , knowing Cerebrum we'd fail just so he could make a profit, or we could pay the $£30,000 he billed me for, and you know as well as i do that the nav department cant afford that!"
"hmm..." White Wolf mused, "I can see how this is going to pose a problem..."
"I had an idea, captain" Jay said "As you know, we are almost out of fuel, the ship, is being pulled into the gravitational field of a nearby planet and not having a valid license means I cant even pull of a Chrysler Manouvere, Or break orbit, in short, we'll die every last one of us"
White Wolf listened, "Now I'm sure as hell not bothered about Cerebrum himself being killed, but frankly, I'd rather live, buuuttt........this gives us a loophole..Phil, could order a platoon of security officers to arrest Cerebrum on a charge of manslaughter, which would also remove him from active duty, at which point the Appendix could officially lift our ban"
White Wolf reached for the comm. "Mr FeBuggure, you wouldnt care to visit Dr. cerebrum would you?"
"I've been hoping someone would say that..." replied Phils voice, coupled with the sounds of a fist smacking the palm of a hand, then a quiet "EeeeeeeeeeeeeEEE!" and a "mini-Phil NO! not the Ann Summers store!"
<TAG gentlemen!>   
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