What the hell's going on

Who : Phil, MP and Kara
Where : Parrots
"Do you think he could find Cerebrum?" Kara wondered
"Proably.."..Phil was about to say something else when Holly appeared on the wall
"Hello Dude...Little Dude and Dudeette...Got a problem...There was a strange thing amig gig happening jay's gone to have a look, thouht you might be intrested..."
"Dang it...Look, Kara can you take MP and find Cerebrum for me..."
"What and have him rubbing his legs all the time no way..."
"Don't worry about that for the moment, it seems that when the good Dr shocked him it tempory cured him..."
"Tempory? How long?"
"Well, I think about a week..."
"Okay, but I won't be able to understand him though.."
"Don't worry, I *think* Holly can translate can't you?"
"Yeah sure, I can understand midget..."
"Cool...Look, I'll be in the Drive room if you need me..."
Phil then ran off to the drive room to see what was going on.
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