Who? Where? What?

Then White Wolf cleared his throat while running his eyes over the group assembled, and gave a slight start when his eyes landed on Stella, & Dylan, nearly blurting, "What are you kids doing here?" Before recovering and calmly stating instead, "Would somebody please tell me that's not the Mobius out in the landing bay, and this isn't a non STCP sanctioned temporal intervention of some sort?"<END SNIP>
Dean wandered in, his hands covered in engine oil,
"Jay, I'm going to need your help..."
Dean looked at Stella, at Amber, at Dylan, at Jay on the floor. Stella, Amber, Jay on Floor, Stella, Dylan, Stella on Floor Jay Amber. No. Amber on Floor Stella is Jay. Jay is Amber who's on the floor with Stella and Dylan... 
"I think I'll come back later..."
"Or not." said Alota, watching as Dean keeled over, unconscious, and hit the ground next to Jay.
"Were pilots always this wussy?" asked Phil
<OOC: I know I'm not meant to be here, but, just thought I'd liven the party, in body if not soul :)>
Dean "<BOOMF>" Thomas

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