Cerebrum Arrives. JP

"I said don't talk back! Now, release them, or we'll unleash our lawyers on you," number one announced, delivering the ultimatum. Behind them, men in suits with suit cases full of legal papers started to crowd into the medi-bay.
Jay walked in. "It's bad news. All the groups report capturing at least 1 Cerebrum, with Phil capturing 5!"
"So, where is he?" asked WW
"With Cain last time I looked. He was behind him when we were discussing the future." Dean said
"So, where would Cain be?" asked Eve
"No idea," Cerebrum noted, who was standing behind the group. "He went off to fax some files and make a call. Why are you interested?"
"Well, actually we were trying to find you." said Jay, before suddenly it clicked. "GRAB IM!"
"Now now!" said Cerebrum, starting to run down the corrdor, pursued by the group, "can't we have, a civilised discussion!?"
He carried on running, waiting for a reply from teh angry mob.
"Obviously not. Wait!" he screeched to a halt. "Why are you chasing me anyway?" he asked
"Because we're all techinically grounded!" shouted Dean
"It's not my fault you're all insane," Cerebrum shouted back behind him. "I'm only doing my job."
"We're not though." said Jay. "You just SAID we were."
"I'm a psychiatrist," Cerebrum replied, cutting to the heart of the debate. "I can only say that when you are insane. Or if you haven't paid your bill. Same thing."
"Cerebrum." said WW. "Has it not occured to you that your bills themselves are actually against SpaceCorps Directives?"
"It's true, I checked it up. They lay down a maximum fee. Which yours is well in advance of."
"It clearly states that the maximum fee doesn't include taxes. My bills are exactly the proper number, it's not my fault taxes are so high." said Cerebrum, smugly
"Which directive number was that?" asked WW
"579324" replied Cerebrum.
"Damn, he's good." whispered Dean to Jay.
"Wait, Holly, read directive 579325 please."
"Wot?" asked teh befuddled machine
"Please state directive 579325"
"All medical and or psychiatric bills combined wth all other miscellaneous chargings and expenses must not exceed the amount stated by the captain."
"Go on." said WW
"And the Captain may change this amount in agreement with the heads of departments." finished Holly.
"And? My bill's are in agreement with the amount set by Captain Niples."
"That's true." said WW
"And you've not had that meeting yet." added Jay.
"Also true." said WW. "Damn."
"And, you'll also find that when the Head of Naviagation is grounded, he does not count as the head, and the ranking passes to the next pilot. As all the pilots are grounded, that means there is no head of navigation, which means that you can't hold a heads of departments meeting until he's ungrounded." said Cerebrum, smug once more.
"ok." said Jay, "in that case we arrest just arrest you on trumped up charges,"
"Get HIM!" yelled Eve and group leapt forward again.
"Not so fast," came a shout from behind them. "Touch my client and I'll sue you for every pennycent you've got."
The group halted. "Can I ask you a question Cerebrum? asked Jasmine, "how do you get all of these lawyers to follow you everywhere?"
"Lawyers have the ability, like psychiatrists, to show up wherever there's a chance of making money."
Jay aksed Stella, "Does he change?"
"I don't know who he is."
"You mean there's no Cerebrum in the future? JOY!" yelled Jay, and he and Dean broke out into the "Hooray things are looking up dance. The rest of group watched, and when they turned round, Cerebrum had gone again.
"SMEG!" they yelled,
"now what do we do?" asked Eve
JP between Dean "Raven" Thomas and Cerebrum

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