Murder... In Triplicate?

OOC - My only advice on this will be - 'Learn to roll with the plot twists in our little RPG improvision theatre...' (You've certainly threw enough of them at us yourself, Ben. So why should you be any different? Besides, through doing so, you'll eventually sharpen your Role Playing and GMing skills to a much finer edge.)
And secondly, I strongly advice 'letting go of your control issues - especially whenever you make NPC's - Because the good ones are MADE to be shared/killed/abused/and general get the snot knocked out of them! A NPC whom doesn't make everyone else want to share in it's use or interaction, is a waste of inspiration.'  (Besides, would you rather we simply ignore your creations instead?) Buck up and enjoy it's popularity while it lasts. (Or in other words, sharing your ball will get you a lot more play mileage than if you simply ran off home with it!)  :-}
- WW
RPG -===Who : Phil, Rufus-Adult, Jay and WWWhen : After the Hamster danced with the bug queenWhere : cargo bay
<snip>Rufus hang his head in shame...."I've done more damage now then if I left things alone..." "NOW you realize that? Well, better late then never..." Replied WW rather testily. There was a pause as a small skutter like object went past at speed, going "EEEEEEEEEEEE" "Did I just see MP riding Elwood at speed?" "Yep" "K...Just checking..."</snip>
"FREEZE AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE NAME OF THE TCIS!" Yells a bloodied, garbage covered Time Cop with his shorts pulled up over his shoulders, and nervously waving a kill-alot-bazookiod at them.
"You've got to be kidding me! This guys about as annoying and difficult to get rid of as a cockroach! He can't be real!" Remarks White Wolf while turning and pulling a gun out of his shredded vest, then shooting the time cop between the eyes, who explodes in a puff of dust,  "Ah huh, That's what I was afraid of - We've got a real mess here. When I went through that time gate of those other idiots back there, I experienced dozens of multiple time lines all happening at once. One where, Rufus kills Phil. And one where amber kills Tara, and yet another where Amber, Rufus and Tara kills Phil. But, I think the correct one is supposed to be the one  which happens roughly about five years in your point in time Rufus - Where Tara attempts to poison Phil with a home made curry dish, and winds up accidentally murdering the Galactic President on accident whom they were having over for dinner and he chokes on a piece of tainted feta cheese, so she winds up being sentenced to public execution."
"She tried murdering me? Whatever for?" Exclaimed a stunned and gobsmacked Phil.
"Well, I think it had something to do with your latest invention at the time Phil, a god awful red Raspberrymobile." Replied the gregarious hamster.
"Mom wanted to kill Dad because he came up with a awful automobile color in my future?" Asks a puzzled looking Rufus.
"No, Rufus, the raspberrymobile wasn't just a new color for vehicles, it was a revolutionary yet, somewhat twisted, invention of Phil's in which the car is powered by people making raspberry noises with their lips. Apparently, this resulted in Tara, among other people, being affected by a new malady nicknamed, 'Mick Jagger lips'." Replied White Wolf, "Perhaps, that is what drove her into trying to kill Phil..."
"And maybe I knew that, and acted on her request to put her out of her misery if she ever went nuts, before it happened..." finished Phil in shock.
"Possibly. And it would explain your incidents of memory loss and accumulated psychological problems you've been experiencing throughout your journeys through the time loops. Perhaps, this is all a result of you trying to mentally suppress all that anguish..." put in White Wolf.
Rufus's jaw dropped muttering, "You mean, He killed her because he was trying to save Mom from committing a future act of murder from a preceding time loop?"
"It certainly looks like that. But right now, that's not as important at the moment - your current intervention in this timeline seems to have had yet another unintended consequence. It appears that your arrival here has allowed a queen of the Hymenoptera to take over all the inhabited worlds in the future. Fortunately, that short trip through the timegate allowed me to figure out something very important which might just save our royal hiney's in the here and now. In one of my other alternate future experiences, the STCP were trying to eliminate a Hymenoptera queen that in their past had a one in a trillion genetic mutation, they called it the Psi gene. Apparently, that queen had the power to look into peoples minds and create psycho-kinetic projections from what she read there. And she was using this ability to gain near universal control over everybody."
"Ahh, and what does that mean in plain english?" Asked Phil, looking entirely confused.
"What he just said is that what we saw behind that door, isn't the real Hymenoptera queen. But, more likely is some kind of mental projection created by the real queen hidden somewhere else on the Blue Dwarf." explained Jay.
"Right." Said WW nodding.
Phil looked flabbergasted and said to Jay, "Your kidding me, you understood all that?"
"Hey, everybody else makes the same mistake about us Pilots - They forget that underneath all these boyish good looks & charm lies a brain like a steel claw." remarks Jay.
"That's 'Trap' you muppet." Snaps Phil, before turning back to WW and asking, "Alright, I think I got it now, so what do we do?"
"We try and locate the Queen & kill her before she gets any more powerful, and hopefully before she reads anything really dangerous from somebody's mind." answers White Wolf.
"Too late for that my pretties! I'll kill you all!!! Ah, Ha, ha, ha!!!" Screams a shotgun wielding Evil Ash* look-alike (*from the Army of Darkness movie) levitating in the air next to them, who starts firing the shotgun as everyone ducks, while Phil quickly comes out of a roll and shoots the Evil Ash full of holes destroying it.
"I knew I should have cancelled that marathon showing of Halloween movies the scutters requested..." Mutters White Wolf.
"Hey, at least she choose something that wasn't dangerous!" Comments Phil smiling.
"Speak for yourself, Phil!" shouts Jay dodging away from a flailing zombie that was approaching him.
<TAG!> :)
OOC - I want to give everyone a chance at having little fun getting in on the comedy of dealing with the 'evil dead' running amok on the ship, before I go and post the eventual grand finale defeat of the Hymenoptera queen later on the weekend. So go ahead and feel free to create your own characters nightmares or Halloween monsters in which the queen recreates as she tries to defeat all of us.
- White Wolf.

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