Round the Twist....

Who: Tara
Where: Urm... Pass
When: Also with the pass
"What the hell?" Tara said looking at the door where a few moments ago she had been shot.
"Oh smeg im in heaven" Tara walked over to the door of her quarters and looked out on a beautiful alpine view.
"Or not." she stated. She walked outside and closed the door behind her. The world began to spin and she fell of a cliff that appeared out of nowhere and landed in a court room but seemed to be rather disembodied.
"I sentance you to be put in a mental home until you are fit to be released." Called a rather ugly looking bloke with a bad wig.
"Um.... You must have made a mistake. I didn't kill anyone." Said an older version of Tara. The world swirled again and Tara was chopping branches of a sobbing Big Purple Tree.
"Tara you really shouldn't be doing that." Said Jay. From one of his three heads.
"Why should you care Dr Chrysler!" She snarled and pruned off a couple of his fingers which promptly grew back.
"I agree" Said Cerebrum. Who was wearing a blue checked dress.
"Shut up you" Tara said cutting his head off with the tree cutters. The head rolled across the floor and was eaten by the stomach, a sentient organ. "Mwa Ha Ha HA HAH HAAAHHH!!!!!" She cakled "Keto! Fetch out the comfy chair"
"Yes greatness" Said someone who looked like Shakespeare. The person brought out a 6 foot chair that had a resemblance to White Wolf. The three headed Chrysler screamed and commited suicide by ingesting a concoction of ointments.
"What now?!" Screached the Tara in Tara's dream world.
"Damnit shut that up!" She yelled as the world lurched around her
Tara's eyes fluttered open and the world continued to lurch and spin.
"Ung rung gug" She croaked.
"I think shes coming around" Said Stella
"Ug gung run" Tara said.<Tag>OOC- Woohoo!
I posted on my own at last...
heh heh heh

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