Back to the future

"Nope...sounded like LOTS of guns..." Jay said putting his hand in the air as around 30 U.S. army officers aimed rifles at the group.
- end snip --
"Let me handle this guys okay?"
"okay, "
"Which one of you monkeys is the leader round here?"
"That would be the monkey with the biggest gun, STOP LAUGHING PRIVATE..."
"Okay dude, take us to your Area 51 type place..."
"How the hell do ...There's no such place.."
"Yes there is, " replied Phil, " I saw it on my way in. We flew over it..."
" what? Where's your craft?"
Phil was about to reply when there was a small <snick> and a small scutter like object going "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" went past at high speed then went <snick> again.
"Di I just see a...." started the sargent.
"Yep." Phil looked at his watch..."Guy's if I'm right we've got about an hour before we<SNICK>
"Shit...forgot that the clocks least we're out of ....why am I tied down?"
WW, Jay and Phil were tied down and three people in white coveralls were stading over them. One of them was holding a camara. They were still in Roswell, about 2 or 3 hours later..
"Buggered that one up didn't I..."
=================================Chris Kentlea Click here to join a FREE program that makes1c per click and NO minimum payout

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