RE: Fools playing with spacetime

WHO: Jasmine, Dean, Keto, Tara, Stella... etcWHERE: Medi-BayWHEN: NoBodyElse has a clue so why should I know.<SNIP> Stella shrugged, and tunred back to Tara "Tara...I'm so sorry...I..cant believe after all the work we put into this ended up being our fault..."Tara still woozy, said nothing, "I never had a chance to meet you" Stella said "But Mom, Dad and Amber and Ruf speak highly of you" Tara smiled, Dean was smiling, everyone was smiling. Even Keto was, well, grimacing.<END SNIP> A hand was placed over Jasmine's eyes before she could turn around, she was guided out of the Medi-Bay and into the corridor just outside."Okay, who is it?" She asked "Guess!" A familiar female voice repiled"Eve?""Nope" The hands fell from Jasmine's eyes "No peeking"Jasmine keep her eyes closed and her back to the female, her mind was racing trying to guess who it was."Arh Amber, Kara... Syd?" Her mind searching for females she knew on Blue Dwarf"Wrong again, Passionfruit""Whoa wait!" Jasmine spun around with her eyes wide open "MUM! but your dead, I watched you die""Some fools been playing with the fabric of space-time again.""Well that's one way to look at it""I thought I'd take this chance to show you a few things""You do realise mum that you shouldn't even be here at all, no matter what's happening with the time lines and loops""Eh, but what ya guna do?" They both shrugged their shoulders and hugged"I've missed you so much mum, I'm so sorry that I killed you" Tears stung her eyes so Jasmine closed them opening them again to find that they were inside a hospital room."NO!" Jasmine called out, letting go of her mother, she closed her eyes and shook her head"Wake up Jasmine Wake up!" She continued to tell herself"This isn't a dream Passionfruit""I relive your death nearly everyday, why have you brought me here to watch this?""Because this time you can see it as a third party and not as yourself"Jasmine looked around the room, there was a doctor and herself working on her mother's body that had taken a really bad beating from a crash."Now you know I wouldn't normally have someone like you in here, but as we're short staffed and this is your mother and you do wish to become a doctor.... you understand what I'm saying don't you Jas?""Yes Sir""Now I want you to cut into the patients chest, her ribs are broken and one has ripped a lung, we have to get past the breast plate, you have to saw through the bone, do you think you can do that""Yes Sir"Jasmine looked at herself cutting open her mother, her eyes then went to the tubes and needles in her mothers arm, she had never noticed them before, she had been to busy trying to get up the courage to saw through her mothers bone, the doctor pushed a fluid through one of the tubes, it slowly made its way to the veins in her mothers arm, Jasmine had gotten through the bone at this point and was moving organs around to get a better look at the lungs, the fluid had fully drained into her mothers body and she started to shake causing Jasmine to cut her heart, blood was everywhere, Jasmine screamed, the doctor had gone."That prick killed you!" Jasmine screamed, they were in darkness now"Yes, so you see, you didn't""Why""I don't know that one honey, now on a lighter note...""This is the future""Jay's being someone's best man""Will you look at the bride!""Oh My God, It's me! I'm in a wedding dress, I'm at my wedding, I'm guna get married""Yes and in the not so distant future""Cool. Who's the groom?" They went back to darkness"Hey no fair""Life isn't fair honey""Where are we now?""Medi-Bay. There's Tara and Dr. Keto, they're doing midwifery""Well I'm a nurse where am I?""On the bed"

"I'm what?""We're outside of the Medi-Bay now, about two minutes or so after I first arrived, time to go back in Passionfruit""But mum..." It was too late Jasmine's mother had goneJasmine started to walk into the Medi-Bay but bumped into an appearing Dean and Keto<SNIP> "Now where?" "Would you two cut that out!" said Jasmine, who had been standing in the corner. "It's dangerous if you disappear and reappear in the entrance to the medibay." "Sorry Jas." said Dean, as he and Keto moved out the way. "What IS going on?" asked Tara. "Some fools been playing with the fabric of space-time again." <END SNIP>"Dean honey, you don't know the half of it"<TAG>Internet access plans that fit your lifestyle -- join MSN. Click Here

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