yay posting!!!!!

The Trio arrived at Alota's door and knocked.
The door opened.
"You three look awfully down..."
<End Snip>
"In fact so down that your not trying to defy the law of gravity.....and wheres Jay?" Alota asked smile that was there leaving immediately with the lack of her husband in the band of merry twits.
"Alota we have something to tell you" WW said, "Can we come in?" he asked softly, Alota nodded moving out of the way from the gigantic hamster that looked strangely a little worse for wear.  Phil and Dean followed closely as the doors slid shut, Alota sat down on a chair the others attempted to make themselves comfortable on a two seater sofa and considering there where three of them that was some amazing feet. 
"So what have you got to tell me?" Alota asked a quizzicle look on her face,
"Well..." Phil began

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