Time to break the news JP

"So what have you got to tell me?" Alota asked a quizzicle look on her face,
"Well..." Phil began
"So what have you got to tell me?" Alota asked a quizzicle look on her face,
"Well..." Phil began
<end snip>
"...I reckon that Dean can possibly tell you best of all." said Phil, looking and smiling at Dean.
"Oh, I don't know, you were doing a fine job."
"Do it Lt. And that's an order."
"Ok.", Dean took a cushion and put it across his crotch. "The thing is..."
"Your husband's <mumble>"
"jay's Dad?"
"Erm.. yeah, Jay's dad is dead." said Dean, wiping the sweat off his forehead
"Pity, given that he was on the comm link just moments ago! Now IF YOU Don'T TELL ME WHAT IT IS! THIS LAMP, and you privates, WILL MEET VERY SOON!"
"oo er.." said Dean
Dean was about to open his mouth when the doorbell rang again.
Alota glared at Dean with a "You-are-so-damm-lucky" expression on her face.
Dean wispered to WW..."I though the Captain normaly dealt with this kind of thing"
"Well, you was handling it so well, besides, I though you needed the experince..."
Alota walked back into the room, this time followed by Vannessa.
"Um..captain,, guys" she said, "You mind If I tell her, I am family after all"
"NO NOT AT ALL!" they theree of them said in unison.
"Alota, you might wanna sit down" Vanessa said to her sister in law.
"What's going on...oh Vanessa did you know you're dads dead?" she said glaring at Dean.
"Er...heh...Dad's not no...but er.."
"Jay was killed....in a time jump, about an hour ago."
Dean "Raven" Thomas, "Phil "THAT'S AN ORDER" FeBuggure

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