An engineering challenge

Where: Canazza's Quarters
When: Now
Who: Canazza and a bunch of junk
The bunkroom floor was littered with strange looking electronic components, long shiny things, short wibbly things, fat tubular things and glowing things that glowed all manner of colours. In the middle of which sat Canazza, cross legged, with a pair of glasses on with a magnifying glass over one lens. He was examining a component he was holding in his right hand and placed it a metal shell in his left, picked up the soldering Iron and soldered the piece in place.
*It is nearly completed* he thought to himself, *with my superior intelect and knowledge of engineering i will create the universes smartest, most powerfulest mechanoid*
He placed the metal shell ontop of a larger, partially rounded shell, that had many little glowing things on the outside, and two pincer type arms.
He glanced over at his designs, well, scribbles, on the notepad next to him.
The designs for the perfect robot, 6ft tall, 150 kilogrammes, strength of 10 men, the intelect of Einstein, Newton and Aristotle combined and 20 fold, the wit of all the best comediens from the 16th century onwards and the charm of the lords of Medieval England.
What sat in front of him was slightly less promising.
It was barely 1 foot tall, and probably weighed less than a bottle of cola. From what he could see it would be only as strong as maybe 10 mice rather than 10 men.
*But the personality will be the strongest point* he stood up and walked over to the wall-mounted simulated fishtank.
"Holly" the computer's face appeared on his fishtank
"Whats up dude?"
"Do you have charachter profiles on the following people?" he proceeded to list the above people,
"Nope, sorry, but i do have some others, Here, i'll transfer them to disc", a small mini-disc-style disc came out of a slot beneath the tank.
"Thanks." The computer bliped off and the simulated fishtank returned
*soon my creation will be completed!* Canazza returned to the small robot sitting on his floor, and slotted the disc in the back of it's head.
The glowing things glowed brighter and a whirring sound came from within.
"Blimey," it said, "This place is a blumin dump!"
"Um, hello" was all that Canazza could muster as a reply, this wasn't exactly what he had wanted
"Hey, you look like 'ell,"
"Thanks, i just spend a month working on you"
"So, ure the one who brought me into this smeg awful world then?"
"Well, you've only seen MY quarters,"
"Yeh, and if it's anything to go by this world bites"
Canazza turned back to the fishtank, "Holly"
"Who's profiles did you give me?"
"the only ones we had on file, other than the crew,"
"Who's Holly,"
"Sportsman, Vinnie Jones, Former U.S. President George W. Bush, Some london Cabbie that an admiral once hired, Actor Gary coleman, and Actor Craig Charles"
"Who's craig charles?"
"Beat's me... Some Liverpuddlian"
"... wait, you gave my robot the personalities of a thug, a Megolomaniac, a cabbie, a Midget and a Liverpuddlian?!"
"EY! What you talking 'bout?" it said
"Apparently," replied Holly
"Well... i suppose if it's the best you've got, it'll have to do",
"I think it need destroying" Holly turned to the Robot, which gave him a pincer gesture that was clearly sexually explicit, "or atleast spayed"
"He's my creation, okay, it's not a particularly good one, and one i won't put on any of my resumé's, but mine none the less, and he needs a name"
"Why do I need a name?"
"Because i can't just say 'Hey You' all the time"
"Why the hell not? It's what i'd say to you"
"But i have a name, it's Dave Canazza"
"Well, you, if i'm going to have a name, i'll choose my own."
"Holly, your right, it needs destroying"
"WHAT?!" It turned and aimed it's pincers crotch level, "I'll NOT be dismantled, not by you, or by anyone"
It charged towards Canazza, snapping it's pincers all the way, until it stopped. It's feet skidding on the floor, pincers outstreched, inches from the groin area, Canazza's index finger holding the short robot at bay, "Holly, can you get some skutters in here?"
"Okay, but i'm beginning to like him"
"ha ha"
<10 Minutes later>
The skutters arrived, the robot, still trying to move forward, it's thug side obviously in charge.
the two claw headed robots looked quizzically at the spectacle, wondering what exactly it was they were to clean up. They began whirring around scooping up the stray components into their small recepticles
"get the smegging robot, not the rubbish you dolts!" Canazza shouted
The two skutters dropped their dustpans and advanced on the mini-bot, the first skutter lunged forwards and pulled Canazza's hand away, the second, along with the mini-bot went straight for the crotch.
"OOWW! YOU B******S!" he thrust his pelvis and the two bots went flying, and they escaped out of the room.
"I hate skutters" mumbled Canazza, Holly Re-appeared on the monitor
"smooth one, i'm sure it'll turn up sooner or later"
"Computer just don't like me do they?"
"Frankly," Holly replied, "Nope"
Name: Dave Canazza
Status: Nursing Swolen Genitalia

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