I think Toastie's were better

"Yeah...Okay he's a little bit mad but he can lay his hands on whatever you want...The question is ...What DO you want?"
"Well, I still think we should stick with a toastie machine." <THWACK> "Obviously Jay doesn't." Dean finished.
"Hm..." said Kara.
"Wait." said Jay, "What are we doing?""Hmm?" said Dean and Phil, in stereo, which prompted them both to shoot a glance at each other.
"We've got a woman in the room."
"You just noticed?" said Dean, not following the point.
"Try this point." said Phil, placing the pencil against Dean's forehead again.
"Look, we just ask her!" said Jay
"Aaahh, cunning." said Dean
"No. Sense!" yelled Phil.
"Oooh." Jay said, breaking off, "toasties are done"
Dean "Toastie" Thomas

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