Ooh, look at the stars

"and once you've done THAT theres another favour you can all do for me...." Jay said"Jay look I told you, I'm not acting as your pimp again until you buy me that big hat with the feater in it...." joked Phil.Jay had a look that mad Phil shut his mouth.."What is it then?""My money's on making HIM a toastie." said Dean, poking his head up from underneath the  pile of things that had been thrown at him.
"Phil?""On it."
"Ooh.. look at the stars."
"You've been in space how long? and you've only JUST noticed teh stars?" said Kara.
Dean shook his head, clearing the cobwebs.
"Erm. no, oh, yes, Jay, yyou want to elucidate on your plan?"<jay? kara? phil?>
Dean "Raven Toasties?" Thomas
<OOC: Yes, mines just as short...>

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