The Blob and its mummy

Who: Eve, Alexis.
Where: Science Lab. When: We don't have a clock in the labs.<SNIP>Alexis was walking around the science lab when she saw something growing in a beaker on the work table. "That doesn't look good." She said, looking at the green glob pulsating over the top. She picked up a metal stylus and poked the matter. It grabbed the stylus! She tried to pull it away, but the glob jerked the rod out of her hand and it could not be seen again. The glob suddenly doubled in size, spilling out of the glass and moving onto the table. "Oh no..." She tried to put a ceramic bowl over the top...but it ate through.<END SNIP>Eve walked down the long corridor that ended in the Science Labs."It'll be good to get some work done" She said to AresAres stopped, his little black ears went up, Eve noticed and stopped and listened too.<SNIP>"Somebody..." She shouted "Anyone?" The blob flopped onto the floor and crawled towards alexis, backing her into a corner. "HELP!"<END SNIP>"Someone's in MY lab" Eve stood there with her hands on her hips looking very peeved.Ares shook his head and trotted off towards to crys for help, when he reached the door he skidded to a halt, his fur all up and he began to hiss loudly."HELP ME PLEASE, ANYBODY! HELP!!!" Came the voice from within the lab."Oh alright" Eve muttered as she marched to the lab door, she halted too when she saw the scene within."CRAP!" was all that seemed to come from her mouth.Cat calls could be heard coming from Ares throat, his body lowered ready to pounce and save the lass in need, Eve noticed."GO HOME ARES!" He didn't move, he was set on doing what was right, Eve glared at him, Ares glared back. Eve took a marble out of her pocket and threw it in front of the blob, it moved from Alexis and covered the marble, it's size increaseing as it went, it turned towards the door where Eve and Ares were standing wanting more."SEE, NOW GO HOME!"Ares turned tail and ran. Alexis stood up as soon as she relised the blob had moved its attention and body from her."What is that?" Pointing at the green blob in between her and Eve, it had stopped at this point as if deciding what to consume next."Well I hadn't named it yet, I... arh... well... sorta made it, by accident""You created that!""I'm not good with humans, I prefer different sort of companions... wait I don't need to explain myself to you." Eve allowed her teenager side take over.The blob began making noises, bubbly sort of speech came from within "M u m?!""Oh great it thinks your it's mother" Alexis rolled her eyes as she said it.The blob shook and began on its way again."Are you going to even stop it?""No, you see the floor and ceiling and the glass jar it was in contain it, it can't, won't or whatever eat them, so i'm guessing we just close the door and we'll be fine" With that Eve closed the door."You've closed us in here to you smeghead""CRAP" Eve said"Wait you haven't locked us in have you?""No look!"The blob was gone, a hole in the wall of the lab showed where and why it had gone."Looks like it can eat the walls then""I think we may need some help with this"<TAG>Eve Lola Rimmer 17-yr-old Assistant Cheif Science OfficerHelp STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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