3 syllables - rhymes with "Clucking Bell"

Just then deans voice came over the earpiece. "um..Jay...."
"You're going to laugh." said Dean.
"what?" whispered Jay.
"I've forgotten the message!"
"It's..<TTSSHCHSSSHCHCH>" Jay started whacking his general neck and chest area, trying to ge the microphone working.
"Jay, what are you doing?" asked Alota, looking perplexed.
Jay thought, still hitting his chest slowly. "I'm.. doing...my...tarzan..impression." he said slowly, thinking it up as he went along
"Jay can you hear me?" came Dean over Jay's earpiece. "Listen, I can't hear a word. You're going to have to MIME the message. You got that? MIME the message."
Dean switched comms over to the 'bug's main one.
"Uh-huh?" she said from the second bug, which was also circling lazily over the obs deck.
"You got any idea what the message was?"
"Well, see if you can find any binoculars, Jay's going to try and mime it all for us.""Like Charades?" said Kara, her voice rising slightly with incredulity, "on a date? If he puls this off I think we owe him a few beers."
"You might. This little stunt makes me even after the whole Phoenix incident."
"What Phoenix incident?"
"Not important." said Dean, hurried, remembreing that only he and Jay knew about the Phoenix and Jasmine. "You got those binocs?"
"Getting them now."
"Ditto" said Dean, flicking the bug to autopilot and heading towards teh crew lockers. Speaking into his radio he said "Hold in there Jay, we're finding some binoculars."
Jay winced back down on the obs deck, and tried to concentrate on Alota and teh food.
"So." said Alota.
"Yeah." said Jay.
"Why the sudden anxiety about the stars?"
"Well." said Jay, seeing an opening to waste time and mime to Dean,"It's an interesting tale, let me tell it to you. You see one day..." Jay started, standing up and walking over to the glass dome...
"Bingo." came Dean's voice in his comm, "We got you loud and clear on the old binoc's there. Ready when you are."
"Well," said Jay, "It all started when this wonderful women..." Jay pointed at Alota, with no attempt at subtlety, whilst his other hand made the international charades gesture for 2 syllables.
"You?" said Dean.
Jay started holding two fingers up at the stars, whilst saying, "...who had 2 marvellous friends..."
"You are? You... two syllables, pointing at, ah, Alota?"
Jay started nodding, "...but, one of these friends had a terrible nerve problem, she couldn' stop her head from nodding..."
"Ok, Kara, you writing this down?"
"I got 'Alota' so far."
"Well, it's a start." said Dean, "Back to the 'nocs. Ok, he's pointing at himself now."
"Well." said Kara, " could be either "Jay" or "I" but which is it?"
"Erm.. give us a sign Jay."
"...Anyway, this friend, happened to be Scottish, and she said "AYE AYE AYE!" all the time whilst nodding her head."
"Looks like he's saying "I" a lot." said Kara, "From  the movemnent of his lips, I could be wrong though."
"Ok, Jay, we're going with I." said Dean to Jay
"... So she was always nodding her head..." said Jay, nodding it extravagantly again.
"Jay." said Alota, "There had better be a point to this."
"There is, honey."
"Ok." Said Dean, "based on what's happened, are the next words, am so sorry?"
"...AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE..." said Jay, nodding again. "Now, Alota, as you can tell, this was a major handicap...."
"Right, Ok, what we got Kara?"
"Alota, I am so Sorry, I"
"that sound right Jay?
"AYE AYE AYE AYE.." said Jay, doing another of his disabled scot's routine.
"You're starting to scare me." said Alota, starting on her rump steak.
Kara squinted through  her binoculars, "Is that meant to be a heart or an arse symbol he's making with his hands?"
Dean took a longer look, "Well, I'd say it looked like arse. But Alota, I'm sorry, I arse. just doesnt make sense, I'm going with love..."
"Ok." said Kara adding it onto the list.
"Love?" said Dean to Jay.
"...and no one loved her, due to her disability...AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE!"
"That's annoying from up here." said Kara, "I'd hate to be Alota now."
As it was, Alota was starting to consider the extreme possibilty of getting Cerebrum to inspect her husband.
"This'll take all night." said Kara, "can't we jsut make up the rest? then tell Jay and see if he approves?"
"Ok." said Dean, before telling Jay of the idea...
Kara winced.., "Ok, love you more then I used to?"
"Nah, how about, "love you more then my ship? No, no, probably cos it just isn't true..."
"Erm.. Love you more then words can say?"
"Ok, go with that." said Dean, looking on with amusement as Jay struggled with whatever he was doing...
What Jay was doing, was trying now to finish this story, hoping that it made sense, <TTSSCSCCHHTTCH> Jay whacked his chest. "Meanwhile, the other friend, thought that she was tarzan..."
"Jay, we got you loud and clear!" said Dean,
"... and they spent all day involved in their disabiltiies, until, one day, they were both murdered for being so insufferable! And, it is feared, that on the anniversary of their deaths..."
"ANNIVERSARY!" yeled Dean at Kara, "get anniversary in there."
"Happy Anniversary?" suggested Kara.
"Well? How about Happy Anniversary" asked Dean
"..that the beating of the one who thought she was tarzan would loosen the stars, and the nodding of the one who went AYE AYE AYE! would make them fall." said Jay, finally sitting down, sweating after the stress and teh activity."He's up for it I think." said Kara
"Ok, what's our message?"
"Alota, I'm sorry, I love you more then words can say. Happy Anniversary."
"Bingo, Move out." said Dean. The bug's swooped out, and starting trailing the oxygen behind them which would freeze to make some wonderful patterns.
"Jay, that was bollocks." said Alota, simply.
Jay was still scanning the sky, then looked gratified.
"If it's bollocks, what's that over there?"
Alota looked up, to see "Alota, I love you more then words can say, happy anniversary..." being scrawled across the sky,
"You put the pilots upto this?" she said, the lovelight back in her eyes?
"Thank-you god," murmered Jay, "Dean didn't screw it up."
Dean "Skywriter" Thomas

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