**ACTION** PM4 - The Confusion

Who : Phil, MP and "Honest" Kev
Where : Cargo Bay 13
When : After Kev's pod had landed
The cargo ship had just docked. Phil, along with MP had to go and meat the "Captain" of the cargo ship...the S.S.Perm.
"Allright Kev..."
"Jesus christ Phil you almost coused me to shat me self...."
"Just checking upon ya...," Phil smiled..."You got what I asked for?"
"Yep...Plus some gift for you and your familiy...I hear your wife a bit poorely..."
"Too right...Look, I gotta dash, those buggers at the trading guild are after me...something about me selling them dodgy items?"
"You? Dodgey? Na....." Said Phil, crossing his fingers behind his back. Kev was basicaly an honest guy, he never actualy went out of his way to cheat people, but somehow all the dodgy, stolen or defective stock allways seemed to find it's way to him...
Kev took off and Phil went to insepct the cargo...
"Contents of Cargo..." Phil handed MP a checklist and started to call of the items in the case...
"1 - Some very rare Orchids for Alota from Jay?"
"2 - A jewel encrusted tiare, again from Jay to Alota...?"
"3 - A years worth of play gelf?????"
"You dirty little man...where do you keep them all?"
"Really, well, I'll be he'll be surpsied when he find them there...let's continue.....4 - A new vacuum for Dave Canazza..why does he want that..."
"5 - A complet edition of "Scince for Dummies" for Rufus..He don't need that...and hello...what's this...."
Phil reached into the crate..He pulled out a small monkey with cymbals...
"Is THIS on the list anywhere little dude?"
Phil tossed it into the corner, by some crates. "EEE?"
"Yeah, you might as well, I'll be along in a min. Just gotta tidy up hear k..." Phil waved MP  goodbye, then had a quick flick through the Playgelf magazines.
A small sound made him stop.
"MP..is that you?"
Some small and red darted across the floor. It looked like a rat. Having nothing better to do Phil chased after it.
The rat looked quite big...
He followed into what he knew was a dead end, only to be met by a slavering tiger...
"Oh please..is THAT supposed to scare me? I deal with worst things on a day to day basis...and I don't mean MP..."
The form in front of Phil rippled and changed...AHA he thought... a chance to hunt one of THEM at last.....
The shape was now that of a Tyranasoay Rex..."Nope...not thing..." even as the beast bellowed right in Phil's face...
The creature, in for want of a better expression, was confused. This form should have prudced a rich diet for it to feast on...It searched it's subject's mind...There was nothing it could use....except....
The creature's form rippled once more...Phil's face went from his usual calm to sheer panic and then terror...
It then rippled again a suction pod stuck onto Phil's head and drained him of all his FEAR.....He then fell to the floor..knocked out cold.
The beast changed into a small chicken and ran off down the corridor, engogred on a diet of FEAR..
<<It's begun...MWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh yeas...tag!>>
OOC : For the meantime if people can just have a laugh with loosing emations personlity etc...and jsust remebr...these things can breed...MWAHHHHHH
OOC2 : If possible have a read of the first time this creature was on board the BD a while ago
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