(no subject)

Who:- Jay, Alota
Where:- Quarters.
"honestly honey its amazing!!!,.....remind me not to let Dean near it..." Jay said, describing the E.V.E1
"Great hun" said Alota, frankly, bored.
Jay took a bottle of beer from the fridge, opened it and placed it on the coffee table while taking a seat next to Alota and throwing an arm over her shoulder. "Sorry..you know what I get like"
"Why did you get two beers?" said Alota "I told you I didnt want one"
"What?...I didnt.." Jay said, but sure enough, there were two beers on the table.
He reached forward at the bottle, which then sprouted  a tentacle which lunged at him, Jay managed to hold it at enough of a distance to prevent it from reaching him, but he toppled over the back of the sofa in the process.
the bottle freed itslef from Jays hands, morphed into a rat and scurried under a bookshelf.
"Years of Alcohol abuse getting its own back!" Alota joked, while Jay got to his feet, and moved the bookshelf aside.
The rat morphed into a perfect double of Jay, which smacked the real Jay aside.
"you know Alota" it said "sometimes I wonder why i left Jenny Wildflower for you"
"WHAT?" Alota said, agression in her voice.
"Alota dont listen to it" Jay said "It's not me!"
Jay wasted his breath, Alota wasnt listening, at least not to him.  
"Well frankly Alota, she had a lot of qualities that you dont" 
 said the Jay clone.
"HOW DARE YOU!" Alota yelled, and swung for the Jay copy, who, grabbed her arm, and attached a tentacle to her forehead, sucking out a vertible banquet of agression.
It then morphed into a paper aeroplane and buggered off, after dropping Alota on the floor.  
Jay went over to her "Alota?..are you ok?"
she groggily looked up at him, "fine baby, why wouldnt i be?"
"What did it do to you?"
"Dont know...calmed me down thats for sure!"
Jay helped her to her feet, at which point Rufus and Mini-Phil entered. "Commander!" said Mini-Phil to Alota.
"Whu...." said Jay. "It talked!"
"Indeed" said Mini-Phil "Um...a xenomorphic creature is loose on the ship, quite dangerous too, my, how shall we say 'gene-donor' is somwehre in the bowels of the ship trying to find it, but I feel it would be fruitful to call a senior staff meeting"
"Uh....yeh..." said Alota, not entirely sure what was happening
"Holly can you call a department head meeting?" she said
"sure thing, Jay...youre needed for a..."
<dept heads? or Phil?>
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