Coming Round...

Who: Jasmine, ANdromeda, Jay and "Dawn" Thomas
Where: The Promenade
A single elastic band hurtled toward the groinal area of the polymorph.  It screamed in pain, and tumbled backwards into the airlock. Jasmine hit the switch again, the door slammed shut, the outer door hissed open, and the polymorph was puilled out into the vacuum of space, where it's head exploded in silent agony.
"Is that it?" asked Jasmine
"I smeggin hope so!" said Jay "Im' bloody knackered!"
Jay, unclipped the harnesses inside the mech suit, and found the power was completley drained, preventing him from being able to open the hatch. So he 'broke glass with fist' and used the small hammer to break the cockpit glass and clambered out. He wlaked toward Dean. "He ok?" he asked Jasmine.
Jasmine just pointed at Dean's gibbering form.
"Dress, it can't be a dress, it can't be a dress."
"Better take him to sickbay." suggested Andromeda,
"Nah, I reckon if we just bung him back in his normal clothes again.."
"Erm.. guys." interrupted Jay, "He doesn't have any normal clothes, whilst he was, "under the infulence" so to speak, he altered them all."
"Well, some of them MUST be stylish surely..."
"He had no style BEFORE he went mad" Jay said "Hey....where's Phil, and White Wolf?..wernt they here before?"
"Watch it! Dean! NO!" said Andromeda,
"TOO LATE!" said Jay, spinning around,
Dean grabbed a "Top Secret File" and placed it strategically. "You guys can look now." he added, talking to Andro and Jay, Jasmine hadn't bothered turning away.
"Right, sorry. Where are Phil and WW?" said Dean, noticing their absence.
"Well, Dawn, we were trying to work that out ourselves, but now that yout pretty little head is on the case I'm sure things'll go faster" said Jay, smiling at Dean's discomfort.
He looked at Dean "You girls outnumber me an Efof in the flight deck now...." he said laughing, "Oh smeg dude, close your legs..."
"Sorry, " said Dean, putting his legs together and replacing the Top Secret File to it's place in front of his thighs. Whilst at the same time having flashbacks to when he had reformed after being a haggis. That had resulted in an uncomfortable situation too...
"Right, well, where could Phil and WW have got to?" said Andro
"Well, it's Phil, so it'll be somewhere where there are weapons...." said Jay
"Or maybe not."
"Or not." added Jay,
"Well, that slimmed down the choices a lot" said Jasmine, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Holly" said Jay "wheres Phil FeBuggure?"
Holly appeared on the nearby monitor "Wot?" he said "Wheres what?"
" classified....."
"Someone put a level 7 encryption on my mainframe"
"That was ME HOL!" Jay yelled.
"No...cant have been, see....'cos I'd 'ave your password on record"
"You've been 'it by the poly-jigger aint ya?!" Holly said "I 'ad orders to quarantine the ship if that 'appened"
"FROM ME! and NO! I've not been hit by it!"
"Well you would say that wouldnt ya!"
"Jay, let me." said Dean.
"OI! Hol!" said Dean stpeeing into the view of Hol's visage.
"Gordon Bennett!"
"Jay, let me." said Dean.
"OI! Hol!" said Dean stpeeing into the view of Hol's visage.
"Gordon Bennett!" said Holly,
"Drop the encryption, or I drop the file." said Dean
Andro and Jay winced.
"Look mate" said Holly "Much as I'd love to, I got orders, that if 'e gets attacked I quarantine!"
"Well, you've obviously lost your niceness.."
"I've lost my patience WITH YOU! theres a difference!"
"I'm sick of this game." said Hol, "I'm not playing anymore"
"Hol, come back!" said Jay
"Shan't." said Holly, sticking his pixelised tongue out. Before vanishing.
"SMEG!" ylled Jay, kicking the wall.
A muffled "ow" came from the spot he'd just kicked...
"Did you hear that?" Jasmine said, as Jay got very upset with any unfortunate inanimate object that got in his way "Someones on the other side!"
Dean spoke "Babe, thats a jewlelery shop.."
"SO?!" said Jasmine "You get peopel in Jewellery shops!" she said...*maybe not YOU*" she muttered.
"Look shes right.." Jay said, "I bought Alota's engagement ring here, thats the safe..why would anyone be in there...wait...we're talking Phil right...."
"Of course!" said Jay, hitting himself on the head,
"He'll be in the safe, as it's got the biggest walls to bounce off. And he designed it with no, oh dear, no inside lock. They're trapped in there."
"Hey, as long as it isn't airtight we're ok." said Dean brightly. "Wait. you mean it is?" he said, looking at Jay's expression.
The four of them ran inside the jewelery store, and behind the counter to the safe. "CAPTAIN?!" Jay shouted "PHIL? you there?" "Um...Jay.." came Phils voice "HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPP!!!!!" "anyone else think hes got his fear back?" Jay asked calmly.
A JP - by Dean "Haggis once more" Thomas and Jay "Close yer legs!" Chrysler

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