Re: God rest ye merry jailbirds

Who:- Thomas, Starbolt, Fuldin, Chrysler, Wolf.
Where:- In the slammer
<SNIP> Dean huddled up to Jasmine for warmth looked up. "Do you
reckon they'd let us out if I gave them my secret toastie recepie?"
"Oh shut up Dean, I am so sick of your toasties" Jasmine stood up and
walked over to what could pass for the door, Dean had been leaning on
her fell over, sitting back up quickly hoping no one noticed.
"She's right Dean, I'm sick of them too" Jay joined in, trying to
keep his mind off the cool and the fact that he was in jail.
Dean just sat there and sulked.
"So what do you think is going on around here, polar bears and elves"
Lodo trying to change the subject for poor Dean.
"It reminds me of some sort of Santa Town, from back home" Jasmine
turned around to the rest of the group.
There was movement outside their cell, the Blue Dwarfers went quiet,
Dean got up and hugged Jasmine who was quite happy with that as she
was freezing. The door opened and a group of polar bears entered, all
carrying guns. An elf followed.
"You there" He said pointing into the group
"Who me?" Dean stood there worried
"Not you, you gimp, the woman, come with us" The Elf replied
"You've got to be kidding me, no way" Jasmine held on to Dean
One of the polar bears came over and tore them apart and lead her to
the door as the pther polar bears formed a barrier between the Blue
Dwarf boys and Jasmine.
"Get your paws off my girlfriend"
The end of the barrel of a gun went to his head
"your paws are most welcome on her, go right ahead" Dean wasn't that
brave now.
"I'm the captain of this group, please leave the girl with us, its
not right to seperate us"
"Shut up, she's coming with us" the elf walked out, the polar bear
holding Jasmine followed.
"This is your fault Dean, you put me on this away mission without
asking me first" Jasmine yelled out as she was taken away.

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