Rage against the Machine (part 2)

"Password? Timmy ... why do you have an encrypted file in your database?"
"Oh ... that, that's the X-LORD... It's top seeecreett... shhhhhh... every robot has it."
"okay... this'll be our little secret... what's the password..."
"Heheee... it's 'gomakemerich' "
Canazza typed it it
Time passed
The screen flashed up the data within the file...
Canazza read it...
Time passed
"Holy cow..."
Where: Space Corps test station, orbiting Saturn - Admiral's Quarters
Who: A space Corps Admiral and his girlfriend
When: 2 years before Blue Dwarf launched
The Admiral stood there, he was cradling something in his arms, something rather large and hairy. It looked like a dead cat, however, it was much more.
"And..." he sniffed, on the verge of tears, "It got sucked right off ... infront of the entire Mimian government..."
His girlfriend, who was sitting on the bed, rose up and walked over to him, "There there," she took the mangled toupee out of his hands, smoothed it out and returned it to the shiny dome that was the Admiral's head, "It's not the end of the world..."
"But it is," he sobbed, "the corps got wind quickly, they're reassigning me, to pluto."
"What! But that means..."
"We'll never see each other again." The Admiral wept, he wept large wet torrents.
"But it wasn't your fault, it was-"
"Yes, him," his face contorted from dismay to anger, he didn't stop crying, "don't worry, i've fixed him. He's been sent on a mission that'll see him flung out of the solar system"
"but we'll still never see each other again. How - "
"How long till i leave?" he predicted, "i have 5 days before the transport ship arrives."
"I - I could come with you," she prompted, knowing fine well she couldn't
"No, you have more important things to do here"
And so it was, after three failed attempts at marriage and now this, she was not happy.
Even more so this time as it wasn't her who broke off the relationship.
The days went by, each day the rage built up, as it did every time she broke up, until the rage turned into a lust for revenge.
Her first husband had the biggest indignity forced upon him, he would forever see his misshapen face wherever he went. Hotels, space ships, even public toilets.
Her second husband had a tiny dangler, her revenge there was her third husband, someone with the biggest wedding tackle ever. She eventually dumped him as he had no emotion, and he ended up dead.
It wasn't that she was picky, it was that each one either slept around, gambled or didn't care about her.
What attracted the men was not only was she beautiful, but smart too. She was the creator of most modern robotics. Professor Mamet.
The first was John Warburton, he became the ugly misshapen face of the series 4000 mechanoids,
the second was a pilot at the Europa test base who's tackle had been shrunk in a freak spaceship accident, and the third...
the third was one of her 4000 mechanoids, with the biggest tackle ever, the electric whisk. unfortunately, once her second husband lost contact, she got bored and eventually had the poor mech crushed.
However, this time, she had to take revenge on someone she never even dated, had only met now and again in the canteen, but who she hated to the depths of her soul.
------------JMC: Blue Dwarf - Several Years later
Canazza stood there looking at the viewscreen, not believing what he was seeing. He read it aloud just to make sure.
"X-LORD - Extended Laws of Robot's, version D.
1 - Should you come into visual contact with this human (retinal scan and DNA below) you must follow the following directives:
1b - He is the only human you may cause harm to.
1c - You may not kill him
1d - All other forms of life are more important than this human, even frenchmen
2 - Should you find this human and any of the below data has changed, update your file and pass it onto any other droids you see.
3 - All artificial life forms must pass this on to other forms of artificial life
And he scrolled down to the retinal scan and DNA scan, they were his.
the rest of document explained the reasons, so that the robots would find no moral impedance in performing the above tasks.
"Your creator was hurt by this man, he broke up the love of her life, he will forever pay for supercharging that hoover attachment"
"HAHA!" Timmy laughed, he was still dangling from the console, connector lead stuck in his back,
"How come you told ME the password?"
"I did? Damn that whisky was strong..."
"but ... but ... i created YOU, i programmed you to obey ME, how did you get this File?!"
"Holly ... and i do still obey your commands, just so long as i get enough of the torture time in..." He pulled the mini-cattle-prod out of his side compartment and charged it, "C'mere! I have a little present for you"
Canazza walked out the room, "fine, stay suspended 5ft in the air, i don't mind"
"HEY! HEY! I WAS ONLY KIDDING!" he shouted, but Canazza was already out of earshot
"I'll get him once he's sobered up ... couple of days should do it"Name: Dave Canazza
Status: Now knows why all technology hates himĀ 

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