Secuity Log

The following is an exceprt from the "offcaial" secuity logs of Phil Febuggure CSO
"Is this thing on?"
"What the little light?"
"Right...Ahem...Right begin Log entry...."
"Stardate : Small prune like object..."
"After crashing into Cerebrums an MP wandered around the ship for an hour or two, met up with some people in Parrots, got pissed decided to give this log thing a go....."
"Shut up I'm recording...."
"Rude buggger...Anyway, as far as I can tell the following has occured
- Dean and Alota have been injured, both quite seriously. Alota is in a coma and jay is not a happy bunny esp as...This is not good as the ship is now without an XO..It also means deans a bit out it...I frankly see the pint glass to be half-full on this one...
- The only person capable of helping them now appears to NOT be him, of is out os his head...Jay wasn't too clear on that one..
- The Santa's have been disabled after the pervy one decided to send a duplivcate of his personlity into the main control ship.
- I have the flying ability of a dead ant and did a Thomas Manuver into Cerebrums office...If his tries anything with me i plan to shoot his legs off.....mabey just one if he begs (evil grin time)...I think I need to get flying lessons
"Look sod off..."
"You press that and I'll......"
The log entry ends uprubtly here for some strange msytical reason....
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