Thomas Manuever MkII

When we last left Dean, he was dreaming about Toasties. Flying Toasties. Let us rejoin him. To discover the topic of today's post:
Ah, still toasties. Well, we shall see where this toasties lead us to and hopefully learn many useful, (well, this is Dean, so completely unusable, totally irelevant and probably stupid) things...
As Dean guided the toastie towards the cardboard cut out light fitting up ahead, he looked down. Down towards the paper plains of Inner... Inner... Inner somewhere. Inner somewhere, which looked surprisingly like his laundry bin. Dean swooned, the toxic vapours of diapers hitting him like a brick wall. As he fell of the toastie he thought to himself:
"I don't wear diapers. Haven't for many years."
"In that case there must be something small in my room."
"Something other, presumably then MP. *Note to self, ask Phil about that one*"
"I'm just about to hit these."
Using every ounce of his strength, Dean attempted a Thomas Manuever, and he suceeded, hitting the rim of the basket and bouncing to the floor.
Sitting up, he got nutted by the now ex-flying toastie...
Dean "Comatose" Thomas
<OOC: Well, part one done, but more to come. (hehe, that rhymes)>