Several armed mimes, a PDA and a giant Hamster in a LOO?!?

OOC - Bloody 'Ell! Soz about the delay in my posting, but Yahoo
locked up my account since sometime on Thursday, while (apparently)
messing up one of my groups! (WoC for those of you who were
wondering...) Unfortunately, I had a completely different post
composed from earlier, but since I couldn't post it, and (of course)
the situation has changed, here's my new post explaining me
absence... :/
- White Wolf
Who: Captain White Wolf.,
Where: The Drive room, at first.
When: After the Easter Bunny got hauled off to the slammer...
"Hmm... Maybe I can finish hacking into the system..." Said White
Wolf while shrugging, and walking over to the wall monitor where the
shorter bunny was just a moment ago, busily working on breaking into
the security lock downed Holly using a PDA.
White Wolf picked up the dropped PDA and examined it for a minute.
And then said to no one in particular, "Hey, I think he had a pretty
ingenuis idea - It looks like he was trying to reroute all command
functions over to another remote port or terminal, and then trick the
system into thinking that whatever commands that came from that
terminal were coming from 'Holly' himself. Looks as if he was nearly
done with it. Which means all I need to do is pick up where he left
off, and finish the reroute."
He paused as he scrolled the PDA's screen a bit more, and then said
to himself, "Hmm... It looks like Holly disabled the use of any
terminals here in the drive room. But there is one active in the
Captain Cannon's memorial loo - Odd... I didn't know there was a port
in there."
"Well, Better not look a gift horse in the mouth, I guess. Besides,
It'll save me a trip to the restroom, so I Might as well transfer
everything over there." Said the Six foot, one inch hamster
unplugging the PDA after keying in the commands and heading towards
said Bog with a smug swagger.
<A Few moments later, in Cannon Captains Memorial loo..>
The huge hamster sits down on the porcerlin god, and casually plugged
the PDA into the nearby wall jack. Then he brings up 'Hollys' command
terminal, on the PDA and initiates the Security lock out disabler
program the shorter bunny had wrote .
The small PDA screen flashed "Please authenticate to the system by
pressing your thumb against the thumbprint verification scanner.
Please Note: You must not remove your thumb until this Security
process is complete."
White Wolf touched his left foreclaw to the PDA's miniature scanner,
and then the small screen flashed, "Working... Please wait." followed
by "Warning system resources are Low! All processing shall continue
at a slower rate, Please wait."
"Aw Smeg! I knew I should've checked the PDA's RAM amount before I
started this disabling process. Ok... I guess I'll just have to tough
it out holding my finger here for a bit longer!" Said the large
After several moments of waiting the motion activated light shut
off, "great..." Muttered the hamster while shifting on the toilet and
leaning up against the Loo wall for an expected long wait.
<A great while later, with White Wolfs head back snoring and holding
his foreclaw propped up against the PDA's thumbprint scanner>
The door of the loo openned, and in walked several mimes in search of
Phil. The rotund hamster woke up to the sudden blinding light in the
gloom of the loo with a start. Then he quickly glared at the milling
mimes while exclaiming, "WOULD FOLKS YOU MIND? THIS IS A PRIVATE LOO!"
Several of the Mimes started all kinds of gesturing, trying to
explain their looking for Phil.
"What the smeg?" Said the amplitudiness hamster looking confused at
their response, "Are you guys mute or something?"
A bunch of the Mimes shook their heads, some nodded.
"Wait a minute - Let me get this straight... You not mute, but
there's a reason your not talking, right?"
Several Mimes nodded their heads, while others shook thier heads.
"Now I know why Phil hates Clowns..." Muttered the overgrown hamster
getting a headache as he suddenly realised they were mimes and
started rubbing his forehead against the nearby wall while still
holding his left foreclaw to the PDA's thumbscanner, as dozens of the
mimes energically started gesturing once again, trying to explain
that they were looking for Phil.
hamster, just as the PDA went 'beep' and flashed a 'Security lock out
disabler program complete' on it's small screen.
Suddenly all the Mime's whipped out their Tommy's and took aim at the
Hamster, who at this moment was really glad he was sitting on the loo
because he suddenly felt the need to use the facilities.
Several tense seconds passed - then one of the Mime made several
gestures towards the Captain, who understood it this time.
The hamster slowly lifted his very tired left foreclaw from the PDA
and then said, "So... you want speak with Phil - just give me a
moment to page him."
Then he instructed the PDA to connect him through to the ship's 'all
call' intercom and his next words where transmitted all throughout
the Blue Dwarf, "Mr. Phil FeBuggure, I would appreciate your presence
in the Late Captain Cannon's Memorial Loo. Specifically- " His voice
rose an octave in anger as he continue,"To explain to me why the
*SMEG* there are several armed mimes holding me hostage *IN THE
<Tag!> :)

< Prev : Today was a good day for a mime to die......Part 1 Next > : OOC-10,000th post!!!!