Re: The \"B\" Team ( to .... a mime...part 2)

> "Well, okay it was on of the Archivers devises...Bloody typical
though...the battery is dying and I have NO idea how to rrecharge
it..." said Phil as he shimmered into to view holding a large basball
> "might i suggest you DONT flush sir....."
"Bad mimes," Cerebrum said, dropping out of an air vent. "Did I tell
you to attack the captain? No!" He kicked one of them in the
side. "Follow orders. Entertain people. Do my laundry. Clean up my
lab. Put meddling superspies into easily escapable death traps."
"Are these your mimes?" WW asked.
"No, they're not," Cerebrum replied. "I do not condone slavery in any
form. Are you implying that slavery is okay, by implying that these
mimes are my possession?"
"Are you employing them?" WW snarled. Cerebrum brought out the best
in everybody.
"Yes, but if you'll note, I filed the proper forms first."
"The minion notification," Cerebrum stated. "It's probably in your in
box somewhere. As per Space Corps Regulation 53293, any member of the
crew who is also the member of an evil organization that is devoted
to galactic conquest, the destruction of the galaxy, destroying all
forms of government, destroying all life in the galaxy and/or the
sale of life insurance may, at his discretion, employ a certain
number of minions. The number of minions allowed varies per rank. A
technician may employ one to three minions, depending on whether he
is a first, second or third technician. An ensign may employ up to
ten minions. A liuetenant may employ twenty-five. A lieutenant
commander may employ forty. A deupty department head may employ three
hundred and fifty. A department head may employ eight hundred. The
first officer may employ twelve hundred. The captain is permitted to
employ two thousand. You see?"
"Ah..." WW stammered.
"Captain," Cerebrum suddenly said. "Do you have any idea how
irritating it is for the next person?"
"Pardon?" WW asked, confused by the switch of topics.
"Flush when you're finished in the toilet. Think of the next guy."
Cerebrum stepped into the bathroom, grabbed the lever and flushed the
"Did anybody hear a receding 'EEEEEEEE'?" Cerebrum asked, then
shrugged and walked away.
"Cerebrum just flushed MP into the sewage system," Phil said, looking
at the toilet.
"That he did," WW confirmed. "Think I should give him a raise?"
[Disclaimer: No mini-Phils were actually harmed in the production of
this post. However, a large number of mimes were harmed in this
production, as we received a large petition begging us to do so.]

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