
<Who - Zack & Cubie>
<Where - Behind the McD's counter>
<When - got me . . . I've been out of it for quite some time>
"Waiter, waiter," he shouted. "Bring me a bottle of a good red wine. Jeez,
the service here is terrible."
-----End Snip-----
Zack peered out from behind the grill. "Did you just ask for a bottle of
red wine? In McDonalds??"
Cubie shouted from the back. "I've got it, Zack!"
Zack looked over his shoulder at the storage closet door. "What? A bottle
of red wine?"
Cubie came out with a two-liter plastic bottle filled with a dark red fluid.
"Yeah. This stuff. We've got a case of it back there."
Zack looked at the label. "Cheerwine. Never hear of it."
Cubie grinned. "Who cares? Look at this. It's vintage!" She rolled the
bottle over. Right under the ingredients list was a date. JAN1997.
Zack frowned. "Does this say 'best if sold by' next to that date?"
Cubie shrugged. "That's okay. I also found this." She held up a faded
paper receipt from someplace called Winn-Dixie. "It was purchased back in
Zack frowned. Something about this didn't sit quite right with him. And
ever since the polymorph had snagged Cubie, she'd not quite been herself.
For one thing, she was now strawberry blonde, and fitting the stereotype
disturbingly well. After several near-poisonings, Zack had assumed the
cooking duties. Now she messed up orders and spilled drinks. But at least
she wasn't trying to kill him. Zack had learned during his marriage to
Cubie to take the bad with the good.
But this seemed harmless enough. And they were going to give Cerebrum the
entire bottle. It was up to him to decide if he wanted to drink it. And
recent legal precedents in the food service industry made it a buyer beware
environment now. They were practically lawsuit-immune - a status that had
come in handy on more than one occasion.
He smiled. "Oh. Well, then." He looked back out at Cerebrum. "One bottle
of vintage red wine coming right up!"
<Tag - Cerebrum>
Zack & Cubie
Trying to get back into the swing of things

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