**Actionette** - We\'re going to make peace with the Filthy Buggers? (No, you gits - I\'m not referring to Phil\'s family...)

Who: Captain White Wolf And new XO Phil FeBuggure...Where: In the Loo, where else?When: Dunno. Hey, gimme a break, how often do people put clocks in the Loo?<Snippy Do dah>> "Does it mean that MP is charge of security?...God help us all it's that's true....."> They both shuddered at that thought, although a slight smile was creeping over Phil's face..> "I accept...but...I do have a few questions first...."> "One - Do I get new quarters? Two - What are the perks of the job?   Three - Can I keep this?"> said Phil, holding up his gun and waving it about in the captains face..<Snippy yah, end...>"Not if you keep waving it in my face you won't..." Started the Huge hamster, "but as for the rest - let's just say your permanent employment in the position is somewhat contingent upon two conditions: 1) Alota's continued coma state, or 2)How well you perform during the mandatory 90 day probation period."Phil's smile sank a little, but as White Wolf continued, it slowly returned - "Let's see - from my past experience I can say that some of the perks of being First Officer, you get all the training to be a future Captain of your own starship by insuring that the orders of the Captain is carried out by all crewmembers, sort of being the Captain's representative to all aboard, as well as making sure that all the command stations are operating at peak efficiency. And the First Officer usually gets to act as the Captains & ships liaison to local planetary governments along with the royal ambassador, which is loaded with some posh treatment, wineing and dining and all that. Plus in times of crisis, such as when the Captain is indisposed, the First officer gets to assume his or her post as Captain Pro Tempore, and is one of only two officers capable of jointly removing the Captain from command. And you'd get to determine any promotions along with me. And you'll get your own private quarters after your position becomes permanent."White Wolf glanced at his PDA once more before finishing, "Good news - It looks like Santa's bunch have resupplied us, so that makes your first assignment not as tough as your second one - you just have to supervise the reprovisioning of all the department, and when that's done, you have to select somebody as your CSO replacement from inside the Security Department. Believe me, finding your replacement ain't going to be easy with candidates like MP, Havoc & Penny...""One other question, Captain. I'm just curious - why wasn't MP on the promotion list?" asked Phil."According to Holly, he failed one of the most basic tests: He couldn't even spell the letter 'E'." Replied the Large hamster, then the PDA bleeped, and he glanced at it, "Uh oh. Something's Up with the JMC, Holly says we're supposed to be expecting a shipload of ambassadors, & VIP's from all over galaxy.""Bugger..." Said Phil blanching slightly as he visualized Parrots being overrun by a bunch of 'high fluting' snooty types demanding that Owen only serve Perignon, cordial liquors, smoked kippers & caviar."hmm, yeah - I think I agree.  Well, I better go check my email - with our luck lately, we probably got selected for ironing out the Queens latest indiscretion on the club scene or something stupid like that. I'll keep you posted, Phil." remarked the gigantic hamster as he exited the john.<Sometime later in as White Wolf is entering his living quarters...>The bulky hamster walked in the door and casually called out, "Sam, would you bring up my email account?""Yes, Dear." Replied the AI copy of the Sexy blonde bombshell Uk singer Samantha Fox, rather chirpily from his desktop terminals screen, "You've got Spam!  5,234 pieces to be exact. Shall I forward them to Dr. Ketos & Cerebrums accounts?""No just delete them, and show me my emails from the JMC." replied the hamster, as WD-40 came out from the kitchen carrying a serving tray and said, "Good day, Sir! I've made you some Russian smoky blend tea, and a delightful dish of Peanut Satay ala Spinach.""Thank you very much, Wd-40." replied White Wolf, picking up the cup of tea and sipping as he read the JMC Communiqué that was on the screen."Deleting Cerebrums and Ketos Email accounts..." quietly whispered Sam under her breath in a sulky fashion as she glanced at the brown nosing WD-40 seething with rage over his one droid upsmanship in drawing the love of her life's attention away.White Wolf nearly spilled his tea as he hastily put it down and exclaimed, "What?!?"Sam quickly ducked her head expecting White Wolf to harangue her for her surreptitious email account deletions, But White Wolf merely said out loud in disbelief, "The Hymenoptera are requesting peace negotiations with the JMC? Why would they waste their time? They could be kicking our teeth out and hand them back to us on a silver platter..."He paused as he re-read the email before him on official Space Core Stationary -"From:General Halftrack, Space Core Diplomatics Branch. To: Captain White Wolf, JMC Blue Dwarf. Re: Hymenoptera peace talks    All of the Blue Dwarf's previous mission priorities are hereby superceded with the following new directive, upon receipt of this communiqué - The JMC Blue Dwarf is to receive the dispatched contingent of representatives of the Diplomatic corps to aid Royal Ambassador Niples, and proceed immediately to Threedogbawler Prime.    Whereupon a Hymenoptera delegate representative will be meeting with several of the requested personnel from the Blue Dwarf to commence negotiations for peace between Earth & the Hymenoptera.    We have called a ceasefire and agreed to these negotiations because it is our wish to avoid war, and because we do not want to take any more territory from the valiant, though misguided, Hymenoptera people. While we must be strong enough to deter aggression, we also need to be farsighted enough to pursue peace. Now it is time to apply this lesson towards the new galactic challenges we face - and shape a new strategy of forward engagement which will guide our conduct around the galaxy. In this direction, we are proud to be facilitating the dialogue between the Hymenoptera & the people of earth.    So I can say at last a continuity and a significant change in the Space Core military leadership will have a great impact for further policies of the Space Core towards the Hymenoptera. The long lasting goal of unification or engagement policy of the Space Core may be hindered if there is a change in the present establishment between Earth & the Hymenoptera. While if there is a continuity of the past processes of Space Core diploma tics branch then the process of engagement and the foundations for unification can go smoothly.      Our overall success rides on your ability to bring this delicate situation to a proper resolution.    - General Halftrack      Space Core Diplomatic Branch.""Either that or this Bloody goit wants to get us all killed..." Thought White Wolf to himself, then turned and flicked on the intercom to the Drive room and spoke, "Drive room? This is Captain White Wolf. All planet leaves and Starbug missions are cancelled, since We've been ordered to enter Hymenoptera space. I want the Dwarf to goto High alert status, and have all crewpeople to report immediately to Battle stations."He paused for moment, then finished, "Oh and you mind want to remind all pilots and security personal that during High Alert status they are banned from drinking any form of Alcohol until we step down from High Alert..." A moment after flicking off the intercom, White Wolf could swear he heard several of agonized screams of horror emanate from the floor beneath him.
<<Over to you, folks! Hopefully, this should give everyone something to post about.>>
- Captain White Wolf,
  J.M.C. Blue Dwarf


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