Zack's dilemma

Who: Zack, Cubie, McDonald's customers
Where: McDonald's
When: During Jasmine's Dean liberation operation
Cubie sighed. While she was on the phone to their broker arranging for
payment of her eBay purchases, a call beeped in. Apparently Dean was
certified as living, and was no longer a valid eBay purchase. She received
a full refund and a form that allowed her to file for reimbursement for
shipping and handling.
Looking out of the office, she saw Jasmine wrap her arms around Dean and
planted a big kiss on him. She smiled. It was sad to see their latest
short-order cook go, but she had a soft spot for romances. She watched as
they scampered off, shaking her head as less critical bits of clothing fell
to the deck as they departed.
She returned to her office and shut down her computer, then headed over to
the grill where Zack was frying soyburgers. "Zackie, we just lost our short
order cook."
Zack shook his head. "It figures. He was just starting to work out, too."
Zack flipped one of the patties, accidentally sending it flying past Cubie's
head. "Whoops!"
Cubie picked the offending patty up with a napkin and threw it in the
nearest bin. "You seem to have a hard time with that burger flipping trick.
Mind if I try again?"
Zack frowned slightly. "Naah. I still need the practice. Besides,
whenever you do it, they disappear!" He glanced up at the seven patties
still stuck to the ceiling. Next time Cubie went back into the storeroom,
he was going to have to scrape those off.
Cubie nodded, a puzzled look crossing her face. "I don't remember my
temporal nature affecting fast food that way."
Zack shrugged. "Apparently your time-traveling nature makes the fast food
so fast it disappears into the ST continuum."
Cubie blinked at him.
Zack took a deep breath. "Uhh, they go really really fast."
Cubie brightened. "Oh." She smiled. "Well, at least we've still got all
that nifty stuff that Dr. Keto was selling." She headed back to the office
to send positive feedback.
Zack finished the burger and started scraping the grill. Blonde Cubie was
less likely to bash him over the head with a skillet, but he found himself
worrying that if he were the more level-headed of the two of them, then bad
things were in store for the Richards.
~Zack & Cubie~
~McTime Travelers~

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