Danger, danger!

"We've got to stop that invasion fleet!" Cerebrum shouted, as he and the
mimes arrived at the spaceport. "We can't let it get to Earth."
"Oui, mon commandant," the head mime said, waving his gun in the air.
"Attack, mon amis!"
A few minutes and several expended drums later.
"Now that we've established that small arms fire does not affect battle
cruisers," Cerebrum said, as the gunfire died down. "Let's get back to the
Blue Dwarf and try something productive."
They leapt into a nearby shuttle, hotwired it and took off
A short while later
"Secure the ship," Cerebrum commanded. "Shoot everybody who looks
"Would it not be easier just to detonate an atomic bomb in the crew
quarters?" the head mime inquired, knowing what the Blue Dwarf crew were
"Good point, secure my psychiatric offices. Shoot everybody who tries to
interfere with my experiments. I'm going to secure the services of a medical
The mimes hopped off, and Cerebrum ran off in the opposite direction.
"Dr Keto! Dr Keto!" Cerebrum yelled, bursting through his office doors. "I
need your help!"
"And why in the seven hells would I want to help you?" Dr Keto stated,
looking up from his desk.
"The crew has become infected alien spores that eliminate morals. I know
you're immune since, like me, you have no morals."
"No skin off my back," Keto said.
"Look," Cerebrum snarled. "What do you suppose its been that's kept the crew
from tarring and feathering you, then shooting you out an airlock, sans
space suit, given the way you've behaved ever since you boarded the ship?"
"Well, I suppose it's been the fact while they are all mental incompetents,
and mostly nuts, they do have a twisted sense of ethics that keeps them from
killing people like that. Oh smeg."
"Oh smeg exactly," Cerebrum smugled said.
The intercom on Keto's desk suddenly beeped. "Doctor, there's a mob outside
that wants to see you. They've got a barrel of tar and a bag of feathers.
Should I let them in?"

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