I was just fixing the air vent

"I dont know..I'll be right back"  He shut the lid on the laptop and walked toward the vent.
Reaching down he broke through and pulled Phil out into his quarters by the collar. "Spying on me FeBuggure?"
This bare faced truth caught Cannon by surprise...
"I' can fore...what do you mean yes?" he said surpsised
"I mean that i WAS spying on you..."
"Oh...Look like I'll have to do something about this then wont I...So what's it to be slow death or...WTF is THAT?"
Phil didn't have to turn round..."That would be a womble..."
"But it's a *****'ing midget!!"
As Cannon was distracted by MP/Womble Phil pucnhed hard...and promtly broke 4 of his fingers...
"You forgot I was a HL Hologram?"
"No..." said Phil through the pain...."Forgot I WASNT..."
"Oh yes..your a gelf now...An some very intresting DNA that appears to be immune to the spores..or at least reduces it's affect...I'm sure my colleges would be very instred in meeting with you...come on with me..."
Cannon had pulled a gun on Phil..."If the womble tries anything...your going to get it..."
"Bugger...Where are we going?"
"To the bridge...after all you are the most senior officer on board now...dont ant anyone thinking things arn tickey boo..."
"You know what naming a toilet after you was too good...."
<<Tag anyone who wants to "rescue" Phil >>

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