Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] A cunning and insane plan

The orders given Eve ran off to Level 9, to the Non-Alcoholic Bar,
the only one onboard and the least used part of the ship, there she
waited to see who would arrive.
Where: Canazza's Quarters
When: Just before, during and after snip
Who: Canazza, Timmy
Canazza was lying on his bunk reading a book, "101 unsolved murders and how they were done" - It was sold to him for $£10 by a man looking for a quick sale. Canazza bought it as he thought it might offer some inspiration.
Timmy entered the room looking dejected.
"Dammit!" He cursed
"What is it now?" Canazza groaned
"That's the 3rd time the Blue-Market has sold out on me"
"How come?"
"I've looted 20 shops, stole 150 items, net worth around $£2000, on a good day i can usually get 20,000, but for the past few days I've only managed to get an average of " he paused, his eyes rolled up, "$£35.44"
"WHAT?!" Canazza was shocked, he couldn't 'borrow' some of it any more.
"It's as if everyone's become super-unscrupulous overnight"
Timmy paused again, his eyes rolled up
"I have to go"
"A non-alcoholic bar" Timmy turned to leave
"Seriously, where are you going?"
Timmy exited without replying
"Timmy?" Canazza put the book down, "Get back here"Name: Dave Canazza
Status: Curious 

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