Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] How MUCH?

"Greetings crew...I have good news...the alchol ban has been lifted and as it's a very special day I am buying EVERYONE as much drink as they can handle..You are ALL excused duty and herby commanded to get your ases here right now!"</snip>
Canazza had been running for 45 minutes now, chasing after Timmy, who, mysteriously, wanted to go to a non-alcoholic bar, when the message came over the intercom.
"WOW! FREE BOOZE!" He started to run again, "Wait... free booze at a non-alcoholic bar? Hmm..."
He skidded to a halt and began to think, the sweat pouring from his brow
"Don't go there, so many people to mutilate elsewhere"
But Canazza didn't listen."Go on, you know you want to"
Canazza was disturbed by this. Sure there had always been voices in his head, but never while he was SOBER."I've been here a while, just go and destroy"
"Wait... I've heard you before""Duuh"
"You made me buy that book '101 unsolved murders and how they were commited'"
"yes, and that video '21 ways to kill you're bunkmate' "
"You've also been the one that's made me loot shops"
"no, that was all your doing, as was the releasing the stink bombs on B-deck"
"Liar, Those wern't stink bombs, I had just had too many beans""Go on, there are still plenty of people on the promenade""No, i'm going to the Non-alcoholic bar for Beer" Canazza began to cool down
"NO! GO DESTROY""Destroying does sound fun" He runs off in the opposite direction,
there was a buzzing sound, the intercom blared again
Canazza instantly turned around and headed for the bar
"DESTROY" Canazza wheeled around again, but the sweat was already pouring off him again
"Why are you so adamant I don't go to the bar, I'm sure I could destroy more people there""But it'll be no fun""To set fire to the alcohol and burn them all"
"Well, when you put it like that..." The voice caught itself, "NO! PROMENADE NOW"
But it was too late, Canazza had already spun around and corrected his trajectory and was heading pell-mell towards the Non-alcoholic bar.Name: Dave Canazza
Status: We want beer, and you'd better believe it, we want beer and we want to get wasted 

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