Something *smegheaded* this way comes!

Who: 'Stangled Pilot' Dean ,'green cloud' White Wolf, and one very
Evil Jay.
Where: In an alien space ship speeding towards the Hymenoptra capital
When: After Dean admitted he had become a Scouser...
Evil Jay flicked off the comm. unit in front of him after he had
finished his communique with ex-Capt. Cannon back on the Blue dwarf,
and slyly grinned to himself as he mumbled, "Everythings going
exactly according to our plans. We should be able to focus the main
beam of the Obliterator from behind the Blue Dwarf towards earth and
capture both of them in it's deadly time acceleration ray."
"AnD WhEn BoTh aRe fUlLy DePoPuLaTeD, wE wIlL bE aBlE tO PrOcEeD WiTh
OuR FiNaL StAgE Of ThE InVaSiOn, ThE CoLoNiZaTiOn Of ThE hUmAns
hOmEwOrLd!" finished the hive mind.
"In a matter of minutes of exposure from the ray, everything living
on both the Blue Dwarf and earth will age a few centuries, then the
only thing left to resist us will be mere piles of dust!" Cackled
Evil Jay switching on the comm. unit in front of him and sharply
ordering, "Align the main weapon of the Obliterator so that it's
primary focus is aligned towards the Blue Dwarf and the Earth!"
Meanwhile, on another ship not far away in space...
<Snipo zippo>
"Oh god. Where's that 7/11?" asked WW.
"Probably on SS.BlippetyBlop, can we nick some?"
"Deano, we can set FIRE to some leopard lager."
Dean paused.
"I'd rather drink it , and get screamin' drunk."
"Compromise. I'll set fire to it, and drink as much as you can in the
"Deal." said Dean, after some thought.
"Right, where's that shotgun?" asked WW, his green fur still giving
off clouds of the green dust.
"Be quick like, cos, we're landin' in 5 minutes..."
</snipo zippo>
"Oh, in that case..." Said the six foot one inch hamster as he sat
back down, and put on a crash helmet.
"What are you putting on that for?" Asked Dean.
"Because your gonna crash into the their drive room like you always
"I do not! Those were just a few unfortunate accidents in which Holly
recklessly moved the ship while I was landing." came back
Dean, "Besides, I can't even pilot this stupid thing, it's all on
automatic. And we're already on final approach, We'll be done in less
than half a minute."
"Oh yeah, that's right. What am I worried about then?" Replied White
Wolf taking off his helmet and throwing it carelessly over his
shoulder, "Now where'd that gun go?"
"It's right over here." Said Dean, pulling it out from the left side
of the cockpit and handing it over to him, accidently hitting
the 'Pop bottle' thruster control on the dashboard in the process.
Suddenly, the little alien troop shuttle quickly veered off upwards
with a surge of power and shot striaght towards another hymenoptra
ship, The Obliterator. Their erratic course change sent them directly
for The Obliterator's drive room, where Evil Jay was in the process
of flicking off his comm unit after having given his orders to turn
The Obliterator towards the Blue Dwarf & earth, and then was greeted
with the quick flashing image of the cockpit of the shuttle
containing a certain pair of smegheads go sliding on by him as the
small troop ship crashed into his bridge and separated into multiple
The alien shuttle's engines were wedged into the side of the
Obliterator's hull effectively sealing the hull breach, while it's
midsection and cockpit continued on towards the Oblilaterator's inner
levels slowly coming to a stop in what looked like a hymenoptra loo.
The king sized hamster lifted his head up from were it was embedded
in the console in front of him and drowlly muttered, "I can't believe
it, I simply can not believe it... You crashed us into a drive room
while on Auto Pilot!!!"
"Well, You were the one who wanted the gun!" commented Dean
A hymenoptera soldier bug that was sitting with it's arse stuck in a
porcelin fixture that looked surprising like the bug version of a
toliet, chose that moment to growl at them through the broken window
of the cockpit in front of them.
White Wolf reached up an spontaneously hit it over the head with the
gun he was holding until it broke while shouting, "Can't <smack> you
<bash> see <thwack> we're <tinkle> having <grund> a <smash> private
<crunch> conversation <snap> here?!?"
"Yeah!" Chipped in Dean.
"YRRAAAAGGGGGH!" Responded the hymenoptera soldier bug while flailing
it's front legs towards them.
"Alright fine, we'll go somewhere else where we can have some privacy
then!" commented the Huge hamster, turning and kicking out the nearby
cockpit window and climbing out of the ship, "Come On, Dean."
Dean quickly followed him asking, "Sure thing mate, where ya going?"
"To where ever they keep their banana taffy and leopard lager, we've
got a ship to ransack!" remarked the hamster as he started dashing
off. He paused as his cell phone rang, then reached down and flipped
it open and quickly read the text message on it's display, before
flicking it closed again and continued moving on.
"What was the message?" inquired Dean trailing behind the fast moving
large hamster.
"Something about Eve wanting everybody to sweat it out in the Non-
Alcoholic Bar on Level 9 back on the dwarf - Probably something to do
with Jasmine's new fitness program that I got a memo about awhile
back...", Muttered the thundering hamster who was starting to sweat
from all the exercise of smashing & dashing.
<Tag Dean!>
OOC: Let's just say Evil Jay, like every movie villian, made one
critical mistake - he violated the JMC directive of 'never infect a
crew which has less scruples than you do with a virus that removes
their morals.' because they have bit of a tendency to go louse up
each of your plans! As Dean & WW will soon be demonstrating to Evil
- Tim/White Wolf

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