Smegheaded ones cornering and cornered

"What was the message?" inquired Dean trailing behind the fast moving large hamster."Something about Eve wanting everybody to sweat it out in the Non-Alcoholic Bar on Level 9 back on the dwarf - Probably something to do with Jasmine's new fitness program that I got a memo about awhile back...", Muttered the thundering hamster who was starting to sweat from all the exercise of smashing & dashing. <END SNIP>
"Hang on sir!" said Dean, starting to sweat from the effort of running behind the hamster before dashing down a side corridor.
"Where you going?" shouted the Hamster down that corridor whilst simultaneously shooting at a "Fluffy Puff Marshmallow" advertisement.
SUddenly Dean wheelied into view, driving a glorified golf cart. A golf cart with a speed above that of walking pace. A speed of about 40 mph actually.
"Hop in then ya smeghead!" Dean yelled, bringing it to a screamin' halt in front of the speechless captain.
"One would almost think you could drive." said WW, hopping onto the back, and firing another shot at the blackened Marshmallow advert.
"Aight, cheers mate!" Dean added, pulling out with skid marks on both the corridor floor and WW's underpants. ""Lucky I have a spare..." said WW, whisking out some from his cheek pouches.
"Where you reckon we can go to get bevvied sir?" asked Dean, sqaushing some bug underneath the wheels of the cart.
"The pub?" said WW sarcastically, frantically pulling on the underwear.
"Good idea." Dean, hurled the golf cart into a U-Turn.
WW picked himself off the ground, extricated his head from his now ripped pair of new underpants, and climbed back on the cart.
"Sorry." said Dean, ineffecually.
"They were my last pair" said the hamster, "It's a good thing my bazookoid just ran out or you'd be dead."
The cart rounded a bend to see Jay being followed by a big group of bugs.
"A good thing sir?" asked Dean, stopping the cart dead, as he saw the mass of bug's up a gear and start running towards them, with Jay in the lead.
"Well, we'll pick up Jay who's being chased and then we'll leg it."
"Ok." said Dean, revving the engine...
When Jay came closer, WW realised his mistake.
"Oh smeg." Dean added, before throwing the buggy into gear and careering round a corner, only to be confronted with more bugs.
WW just pressed the trigger of his bazookoid and listened to the empty click of the chamber.
"Damn you Fluffy Puff Marshmallows." he said, watching the bug's draw near...
Dean "Now we're in for it" Thomas
<OOC: Right: FluffyPuff marshmallows nicked from (great site - especially strongbad e-mail). THe cart taken from Colony by Rob Grant (which you've all read of course), the shooting things from the back of it taken from the Book version of BtL - which you've naturally read. - Who says you need originality to be a good poster?
"Plagerise, Plagerise, Plagerise - but call it research"

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