Short but who cares?

Who: Tara Cleavage-FeBuggure, The Big Pink Tree, Jennifer Wildflower, Alota Chrysler,  Usually-Stable-Jack, John 'Wall eyes' Keats
When: Urm.. pass.
Where: Medi-Shuttle (hyphen, hyphen hyphen!!)
Tara sat on the medi-bunk thinking. She had been commited, she had murdered, no one seems to care, so what the hell.
"Life must go on." She said to herself "After all, the twins still need me." She smiled at the thought and stood up.
"I'm fine tree"
*Rustle Rustle*
"I'm incharge until Xavier comes back"
*Rustle!* The tree complained.
"Go and jump out an air lock." Tara said before walking into the cockpit. "How's it going John?" She cast an eye over the pilot and his friend, unsure whether Keto would kill her for a) asuming her job back without permission and b) alowing a stranger to fly the medi-shuttle.<Tag>OOC-
Welcome guys,
firstly ooc = out of character
ic = in character
the tree can only speak in *rustles* and only medical staff can understand it.
oh and tag is a cue for you to post!

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