Homemade Alien Equipment

Who: Keto, Cerebrum
Where: Psychiatric Offices
When: 19:05 (hey, who's going to dispute?)
<< SNIP >>
> "Okay," Keto said. "We've divided all of the recovered equipment up
> into four different piles."
> "Stuff we can sell for a profit, stuff you want to keep, stuff you
> want to keep and stuff we should give to the captain to help save
> the ship," Cerebrum further clarified for the benefit of the
> readers.
> They both craned their heads at the fourth pile. "A condom
> dispenser
> and a half-empty jar of mayonnaise that's been left open so long it
> could conceivably be used as an acid. Or nuclear fuel." Keto
> commented.
> Cerebrum shrugged. "We have to give them something."
<< END SNIP >>
"I agree," nodded Keto, "Though I think perhaps they might be a bit suspicious
if the things we bring back only consist of things that the Hymenoptera were
unlikely to have much call for."
"Don't be ridiculous," snorted Cerebrum, "I'm sure they'll believe that the
Hymenoptera had a million and one uses for biological nuclear fuel. Besides,
what else do you suggest? Giving up some of this hard-won alien equipment?"
"Of course not!" replied Keto, instantaneously, not even considering the
option, "I agree that this equipment we worked so very hard to achieve..."
"How are the bloodstains, by the way?"
"Acidic and immovable. As I was saying, this equipment we worked so very hard
to achieve is definitely ours. We just need to come up with a way of making
them believe that they have something valuable."
"While we have all the *actually* valuable items?"
"You read my mind."
"No, it's the Appendix's day off," muttered Cerebrum, clicking his fingers. A
couple of mimes appeared as if from nowhere (which in a way they had, having
been hiding within their invisible boxes - never let it be said that
unentertaining entertainment didn't have a tactical advantage). "So what we
need is to construct something absolutely useless from absolutely worthless
materials, but make it look incredibly technical and useful."
"That describes almost every piece of medical and psychiatric equipment we
possess," observed Keto thoughtfully, "We need to narrow it down a bit. It
needs to look ALIEN."
OOC: Tag! Sorry it's short, but it's late and my brain is
meeeeellllllttttiiiiinnnnngggg! ;)

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