She's Back! Damn.

""This is the Dean Thomas who crashes everything, the dean thomas who has nearly killed me several times by hurtling space bugs towards the drive room, the same thomas who i'd liked to slap with a wet kipper then by him a drink as an apology"
"Er...I guess so ma'am"
"Then patch me through!"
"Or not." added Alota, as Dean's face flashed up on the comm screen anyhow,
"Just what ARE you guys doing over there? You've been zooming all over radar screen! You left the rest of the fleet a few klicks back, you going to rejoin us? Who's piloting that ship anyway? And..oh hang on, very funny." Dean could be seen to get up from his seat in the cockpit and head back to the midsection.
"Who put the hallucogenic drugs in me beer. Come on! I just saw Alota upright."
The only reply was a drunken roar, it seemed the big TV showing Phil, Jay, Kara, Amber and Rufus' exploits was a big hit.
"Sorry about that Tara," Dean said turning back around. "Just tell me, is Alota actually standing next to you?"
"Yes she is." said Tara, "ALOTA! NO!"
Alota had just attempted to slap the comm screen with a wet kipper.
"Well, good to see things are still normal around here." said Dean, "unfortunately, much as I would like to relinquish command to you so that I can go and get bevvied, as you've not been certified fit by a doctor I can't."
"Well, the least you could do is inform me what's going on."
"Alright," said Dean, "But ONLY when you put the kipper down."
Alota dropped the kipper.
"Actually, before you guys start..." Tara mentioned, "I take it Jasmine's at your "Beer Bug Booze Up"?"
"You guessed correctly."
"Good, just she wasn't here. Erm.. carry on ma'am."
Alota wasn't looking a happy bunny.
"Well, to start with, you could tell me where my husband is!"
"Hang on." Dean could be seen fiddling behind the camera,
"Thomas! What are you doing?"
Suddenly, the camera popped off it's stand, and Dean lifted it up and took it through to the midsection.
"Look at the TV. See those guys?"
"Dean, I've told you before! No cartoons when you're on duty!"
Dean doggedly continued, "Bender is Jay. Jay is currently in the AR machine trying to bring Captain Cannon to justice. In there with him are Phil as Homer, the Powerpuff girl is Amber, Rufus is currently Martin the Martian and I've no idea who the other is. hang on."
Dean shouted to the group sitting drunkenly around the screen, "Who's the little robot?"
"Kara!" came the reply.
"Well, that's fairly self-explanatory." said Dean to the camera.
"Indeed." said Alota, "Now, more importantly, why are they chasing down the former captain of the Blue Dwarf? Where'd he come from?"
"I have absolutely no idea, ask Holly."
"I'll do it as soon as we get back to the Dwarf." Alota said, tapping herself on the head, as she made the mental note.
"Aha..." said Dean, walking back towards the cockpit.
"Aha what?"
"Well, XO Chrysler ma'am, that could be tricky."
"Erm... Tara you want to explain?"
"No I'm good thanks. You're doing fine." Tara smiled, rather evilly.
"Oh thanks. Well, the BD doesn't, erm, well, it's, erm... non-existent."
"You mean stolen?"
"No, gone. BOOM! exploded! But all for a good cause."
"What cause is better then my home?"
"The safety of the Earth qualify?"
"It would do."
"Good. Basically Evil Jay came back with the Hymo-thingummies, you know, those evil bug type things and they tried to wipe out the planet with an extra-large version of one of Phil's creations, and the only way to stop it was to crash the Blue Dwarf into the "Death Ray" as we now call it. Unfortunately it exploded."
"I wish I was back in the coma now."
"You're not the only one. I was on the bug-ship with Captain WW when Evil Jay stabbed him with a big stick-type thing, oh you know, a, erm, medieval type thing!"
"A sword?"
"That's the one. And so we brought his body back to the dwarf but I'd barely landed before having to take off to defend the ship from an invasion of the hymo-wotsits, with WW's body still onboard. I think it's somewhere in the deep freeze actually."
A scream could be heard from Jasmine Starbolt.
"Yeah, it is in the deep freeze, I remember now."
"Dean that's sick."
"Well, better then having it decay in front of you."
"Well," said Dean, "actually, if you could get the pilot to fly you over here and rendevous with us then we can put him in the morgue that you guys have on the medi-shuttle."
"What morgue?"
"Oh, didn't you know? There's one down in the bowels of the ship. It should keep him frozen anyhow."
"Ok, patch me through to your cockpit. Let's meet this new pilot."
Dean "Hello Guys" Thomas
<OOC: Hello to all of the new players, hopefully this lengthy post has explained a little of what's going on. Well, actaully no, it probably hasn't....>

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