ACTION : The no so maginficant seven

Who : Phil, Jay, Eve, Amber, Rufus, McGellan
When : After MP joined the fun
Where : Toon-land
"I meant to be Bugs Bunny, not Jessica Rabbit, I hate dresses... arh I'm in high heels" Eve breathed deeply, she was freaking out.
"Thank god MP's not here otherwise he'd be drooling by now...." said Jay/Bender, picking his eys up and puting them back in his socket after looking at Eve/Jessica again.
"What ya mean?" asked Phil..
"Well, can you imagine HIM in aplace like this with lay-deez about. espicaly looking ...." he said pointing and accedently hitting Eve/Jessica on the boosoom, causing them to jiggle...
"Heh least Alot can't see me me now..."
Cannon took this moment to go blaring past the posse on a very fast horse. He was accelrating over the horzion and was for seom reason going "meep meep"
"I think this would be a approtpate moment to mount up and chase after him?" inquired Phil
OOC : short but to the point...
<<tag peeps>>

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